VIDEO from Horseradish Information Council and Synaptic Digital: Celebrate July as National Horseradish Month

July is National Horseradish Month

ATLANTA, June 28, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Horseradish Information Council (HIC), the international trade association for horseradish processors, invites you to celebrate July as National Horseradish Month (NHM). July brings hot weather, and it's a great time to discover sizzling recipe ideas using this spicy root.

See video from Horseradish Information Council at:

NHM is a month-long event held every July to celebrate the goodness of horseradish and to encourage consumers to eat horseradish year-round. The NHM event began in July 2005.

Horseradish is a member of the mustard family, and is cultivated for its thick, fleshy white roots. The bite and aroma of the horseradish root are almost absent until it is grated or ground. Adding vinegar helps to stabilize the flavor.

Approximately 6 million gallons of prepared horseradish are produced annually in the U.S., enough to generously season sandwiches to reach 12 times around the world. The next time you're in your favorite store, grab some horseradish and get creative. Horseradish creates a flavorful kick and can be used in many dishes.

Try one of these hot tips for using horseradish now and all year long:

·         Mustard with prepared horseradish adds a rich and spicy zing to cold cuts or hot entrees.

·         Give your cocktail sauce an extra little kick with prepared horseradish.

·         Use horseradish instead of butter and salt as a low calorie, non-fat topper for veggies.

Horseradish has only 2 calories a teaspoon, is low in sodium and provides dietary fiber. Also, horseradish was named the 2011 Herb of the Year by the International Herb Association. For creative recipe ideas using horseradish, visit

About The Horseradish Information Council:
The Horseradish Information Council is comprised of eight horseradish processors working together to broaden the appeal and increase year-round usage of commercially processed horseradish and related products. The Council's key message to consumers and foodservice users of horseradish is that this unique vegetable root, long admired for its effects on beef and seafood, is very versatile. Visit us on the web at for hundreds of sizzling recipe ideas and to download the brochure "Horseradish - The Secret Ingredient."



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