Pet Grooming Can Protect Pets' Health According to Jacksonville Veterinarian

JACKSONVILLE, N.C., July 15, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Jacksonville veterinarian seeks to inform the pet-owning public about the importance of regular dog grooming and cat grooming. According to Animal Hospital of Onslow County's Dr. Dave Altman, pet owners who view grooming merely as a way of making their animals look and smell nice may not understand the veterinary necessity of such procedures. "Pet grooming is more than just a vanity measure -- it's an essential part of preventative care," says Dr. Altman. "Grooming at a veterinary facility can prove invaluable for early detection and prevention of many health problems."

A typical grooming session at the animal clinic may include bathing, trimming of hair and nails, dental cleanings and anal gland expression, accompanied by a careful evaluation of the pet's skin, eyes and ears. "Bathing and hair care procedures allow us to learn a lot about the current state of a pet's health," explains the vet. "We examine the skin for any signs of trouble such as hot spots, lumps or obvious infections. We can also determine whether the pet suffers from flea, tick or mite infestations." The vet adds that any such problems can be promptly treated with hypo-allergenic medicated shampoos or other products. "The mere act of bathing can do wonders for the skin by removing pests and cleansing the skin surfaces of oils that serve as bacteria."

Nail trimming also plays an important role in pet care, according to Dr. Altman. "Most pet owners trim their animals' nails to preserve furniture and flooring, but this kind of grooming can also preserve a pet's health," he says. "Indoor pets in particular do not wear their nails down the way a wild animal would. So the nails get longer and longer until they eventually catch on something and tear away from the paw. This is not only painful, but it also gives bacteria a chance to enter, especially if the pet licks the wound." Regular nail trimming, the doctor explains, can help prevent this type of injury. "You can trim your pet's nails yourself, but a veterinarian or professional groomer can do the job more efficiently -- and without accidentally causing harm." The veterinarian adds that anal gland expression is another task many pet owners prefer to leave to the pet grooming professional.

Some Jacksonville pet owners might not associate dental cleanings with grooming, but Dr. Altman notes that the inside of your pet's mouth benefits from cleanliness just as his skin and fur do. "Proper dental care helps prevent tooth decay and dangerous gum infections. All of these procedures work together to keep your pet healthier and more comfortable," says Dr. Altman.

Animal Hospital of Onslow County in Jacksonville offers a wide range of services, including vaccinations, grooming, emergency care, dental treatments, spaying and neutering.

