Philadelphia-Based Non-Profit Poised to Fill Gap

Living Beyond Breast Cancer Prepares to Meet Need Via Toll-Free Survivors' Helpline in Wake of Y-ME Closing

HAVERFORD, Pa., July 17, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC), a national 501(c)(3) organization based in suburban Philadelphia, is preparing its staff and volunteers to address the needs of women diagnosed with breast cancer who may find themselves without resources due to the recent closing of Y-ME.

"For the sixteen years I have led LBBC I have had the privilege of learning from and partnering with many organizations," said Jean A. Sachs, MSS, MLSP and LBBC's chief executive officer. "One of those organizations is Y-ME which was founded thirty-five years ago at a time when there was little to no support for a woman diagnosed with breast cancer. They have played a key role in encouraging women to share their stories and support each other via the Y-ME Hotline and I was saddened to learn of their decision to cease operations. Their closing marks the end of an era."

The loss of Y-ME to the breast cancer community means that thousands of women may potentially be without the peer support they have come to depend on through their use of the Y-ME Hotline. Fortunately, LBBC provides a similar service to its constituents in the form of their toll-free Survivors' Helpline.

"LBBC's services, especially our toll-free Survivors' Helpline, are more vital than ever," continued Sachs. "We have taken the necessary steps to ensure that our Helpline can and will accommodate additional activity in light of Y-ME's closing and we are committed to providing this service, as we do with all of our resources, to any woman in need."

LBBC's Helpline is staffed by volunteers who have had breast cancer. All volunteers are required to complete a thorough three-day training and receive ongoing education in order to participate in the Helpline program. LBBC volunteers answer the Survivors' Helpline live on Tuesdays from 11am-3pm. All other calls are answered within 24 hours.

Dikla Benzeevi, who has been living with metastatic breast cancer (often referred to as "mets") since 2002, worked with Y-ME as a Hotline volunteer for 7 years. When she learned of Y-ME's closing, she reached out to LBBC and requested to be added as a volunteer for LBBC's Survivors' Helpline. "There are several metastatic breast cancer survivors I counseled on a regular basis through the Y-ME Hotline," Benzeevi said, "and I don't want them to feel they can't reach me anymore.  I also want to be available to others with mets who call in on any hotline."

"LBBC also offers a personalized matching service where you can connect with someone in similar circumstances," reported Lynn Folkman, CMP, LBBC's volunteer coordinator. "Our Helpline number is (888) 753-LBBC (5222), or women can request a call online."

About Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Founded in 1991, LBBC is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering all women affected by breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of life. In addition to the Survivors' Helpline, programs and services include an educational website(, national conferences, free "Guides to Understanding" breast cancer, free teleconferences, regional community meetings, newsletters, culturally relevant publications, caregiver trainings, archived transcripts and audio recordings of select programs and conference workshops and the Paula A. Seidman Library & Resource Center.

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