Low Calorie Cranberry Juice Lowers Blood Pressure in Healthy Adults

American Heart Association News Tip - Abstract 299

EMBARGOED UNTIL 4 pm ET, Thursday, September 20, 2012

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Regularly drinking low-calorie cranberry juice may help get your blood pressure under control, according to new findings presented at the American Heart Association's High Blood Pressure Research 2012 Scientific Sessions.

In a study that measured the effects of drinking low-calorie cranberry juice, participants drank either low-calorie juice or a placebo drink every day for eight weeks as part of a controlled diet.

Blood pressure was measured at the beginning, mid-point and end of the study. After eight weeks, blood pressure values had significantly dropped from an average of 121/73 mmHg to 118/70 mmHg for those drinking the low-calorie cranberry juice. The placebo group showed no change.

Researchers note that cranberry juice is rich in antioxidants — naturally occurring molecules in fruit, tea, wine and other foods — which have been associated with lower blood pressure in other studies.

The study was funded by Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.

Note: Scientific presentation is at 1:45 p.m. ET, Thursday, September 20, 2012.

Author disclosures are on the abstracts.

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