1&1 Helps Companies Score Points With Google

The New Solution for Search Engine Optimization Offers Great Rankings and an Industry Specific Keyword Generator to SMBs Without Expert Knowledge

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 11, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- More and more Americans use search engines to find local businesses and services on the Internet. So far, smaller companies especially could only minimally benefit from this trend because they have not optimized their website for Google and other search engines - that is why they can remain almost invisible to potential customers on the Web. Very often, the main reason for this obstacle is the cost, as 1 &1 Internet found out in a recent study. The provider has now responded to this and with 1 &1 SEO Spotlight, has developed an affordable professional solution that can even help companies with a tight marketing budget to capture attention.

The new 1 &1 SEO Spotlight is not a pure analysis tool, but rather more of an interactive advisor. There is, for instance, an innovative keyword generator that automatically compiles the best search terms. In order to adapt the keywords in the source code of a website ("meta elements") for the search engine, all that is required is to simply enter some business data such as a company's name, industry and desired advertising region. Optimizing the website's content is equally easy with step-by-step instructions to assist users.

Aside from content, the number of relevant links - meaning websites matched by theme as ranked valuable by Google, is the most important criteria for a good search engine ranking. The new 1 &1 SEO tool focuses on several points at once. First, it gives handy tips for a useful back-link strategy.  Second, it offers support for creating a Google Places entry.

Business owners can also keep an eye on their two main competitors. To help keep ahead on the Internet, the user can submit the competitor Internet address into the system and watch the development of their competitors' rankings in relation to their own.

An interactive user interface makes it possible to have a website's optimized success displayed as graphs for different time periods. In addition, 1 &1 delivers statistics listed in tabular form. All data (including SEO level, keyword ranking and weekly comparisons) are updated regularly and, if desired, will be available via email.

"Prior to the development of 1 &1 SEO Spotlight, there has been extensive market research," says 1 &1 CEO Oliver Mauss. "We found out that most solutions miss the mark on the needs of many small and medium businesses. With our new SEO tool, for the first time there is an offer that fully considers the requirements of beginners and can be used without programming knowledge."

The latest development is a further step in the marketing initiative 1 &1 started last November. The aim is to create equal opportunities on the Internet with the help of search engines. The new solution is included in the 1 &1 MyWebsite Plus package (available for $19.99/month) or can be purchased for as little as $9.99 per month with all 1 &1 shared Web hosting, eShop, Dedicated Server, Dynamic Cloud Server, or other MyWebsite packages. There is a free 30-day trial period.

Find more at http://www.1and1.com/.

About 1 &1 Internet Inc.:

1 &1 Internet Inc. is a subsidiary of United Internet, a profitable public company with a market cap of $3 billion. 1 &1 was founded in 1988 and hosts more than 11 million domain names, while more than 70,000 servers run in the company's five state-of-the-art, green data centers. 1 &1's global community is approximately 11 million customer contracts strong. The company's U.S. headquarters is located in Chesterbrook, Pa. For more information, visit www.1and1.com or success.1and1.com or contact the company at 1-877-GO-1AND1, on Facebook, or Twitter @1and1.

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