Hart Energy Announces Executive Promotions

HOUSTON, Dec. 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hart Energy announced today two executive promotions as an initial step in the further expansion of its research and consulting group.

Effective Jan. 1, 2013, Assistant Vice President Tammy Klein will become the Company's new senior vice president – downstream research, and Dr. Michael Warren, currently executive director of research, will become senior vice president – upstream research.

"Hart Energy has always served the downstream community well with exceptional quality research services provided through our International Fuel Quality Center (IFQC), the Global Biofuels Center (GBC), and the World Refining and Fuels Service," said Kevin Higgins, president and chief operating officer. "Based on the energy outlook in North America and around the world, further expansion of our upstream research portfolio makes perfect sense at this time. It will be an integral part of the Hart Energy information chain and fill important, higher level information needs in the industry."

Klein leads Hart Energy's annual biofuels supply and demand outlook and is an internationally recognized expert on clean conventional fuels, alternative fuels, and biofuels policy. She played an integral part in the development of the IFQC in 1998, served as its deputy director until 2003, and launched the GBC in 2005. Klein holds a B.S. in journalism from the University of Florida, a J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center, and is a member of the District of Columbia and Virginia bars.

Warren joined Hart Energy in 2009 after serving 12 years with Toyota Motor Corp. Prior to leaving Toyota, he was responsible for the company's market research operations throughout Latin America and represented the company on the National Petroleum Council for Congress. In 2011, he led the start-up of Hart Energy's upstream research group which rapidly has built a strong reputation in the marketplace through the successful launches of research products such as the North America Shale Quarterly (NASQ), the Global Shale Gas Study, and Refining Unconventional Oil. Since then, Hart Energy has built a strong market reputation through successful launches of research products such as the NASQ, its Global Shale Gas report, and its Refining Unconventional Oil report. Warren earned degrees from Tulane University and the University of Southern Maine.

For 30-plus years, Hart Energy has been a leader covering news and technology for energy investors and executives. The Houston-based company publishes Oil and Gas Investor, E &P, Midstream Business, and FUEL, online data services (OilandGasInvestor.com, UGcenter.com, A-Dcenter.com), and industry newsletters, and provides research and consulting services. With its successful DUG™ conference series, maps, playbooks, and research studies, Hart Energy offers exceptional depth in unconventional resources information. Visit hartenergy.com for more information.

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