High Speed Air Hoist Lifting Solutions Critical to Work Place Production, Quotas and Employee Morale: WVSN Reports

MANHEIM, PA--(Marketwire - Jan 4, 2013) - High speed air hoists are critical for increased work place production, in many types of industry. Greater output has become a clear and present necessity in an economy that requires less production time and more finished product. Fast paced assembly line and workstation applications are continually under pressure to produce more products at fewer costs. Plant supervisors have noted; the faster assembly lines have to move, the more stress workers feel to achieve their work station quotas. In a recent interview on WVSN Reports; Bret Lussow, Business Development Sales Manager for Harrington Hoists, Inc., (www.harringtonhoists.com), discussed the impact of employee morale in high production applications. Bret Lussow explained, "Work place stress may be a fact of life, but our surveys indicate, if tools make the job easier, employee morale is lifted considerably. Harrington has advanced our products by improving the science and technology of industrial air hoists to help industry operate safely and more effectively."

TCS Cheetah air hoists by Harrington are extremely fast with uniquely adjustable lifting and lowering speeds. These are perfect lifting solutions for fast paced assembly lines and work stations where workers feel the most pressure. These hoists have an external speed adjustment so that every station can adjust the speed for the lift required. That also means, even if personnel change stations they can adapt the speed to their operating comfort level. Because the TCS Cheetah is light weight they are effortless to move to different locations.

The vane motor design in Harrington's TCS Cheetah allows the operator great flexibility in fine feathering control. We are proud to show plant operators when they need a rugged air hoist for any environment that's fast, safe, and low maintenance, the TCS Cheetah leads the field. The TCS Cheetah is the fastest hoist on the market -- so if your company has a need for speed the Cheetah beats the clock every time!"

Harrington Hoists, Inc. is one of America's oldest manufacturing companies with two facilities in the US, Manheim Pennsylvania, and Corona, California. Harrington is a subsidiary of KITO Corporation of Japan and distributes its products in the South American market under the KITO Americas brand.

Industry Visions and WVSN Reports is an industrial news show spotlighting the accomplishments of American industry www.industryvisions.com