EMSI Public Relations Records 7th Consecutive Year of Growth

TAMPA, FL--(Marketwire - Jan 7, 2013) - EMSI Public Relations (emsincorporated.com) CEO Marsha Friedman announced this month that her national, pay for performance firm grew 6 percent in gross sales revenues in 2012, continuing an unabated upward trend of 59 percent growth since 2005.

The 23-year-old company also expanded, adding 18 percent more employees and growing its Social Media Division to provide even more clients with its trademark personalized service. 

"I'm really proud of the trajectory we've been on since 2005," says Friedman, whose company was ranked No. 2 for public relations in the "2013 Book of Lists" published by the Tampa Bay Business Journal.

"In the economic fallout after 9/11, we struggled a bit. In 2004, I had to make some changes and set a new course -- it was sink or swim. Our growth, particularly through 2008 and 2009, tells me we set the right course. There are no dips corresponding with the recession, no flat years -- since 2005, it's been all onward and upward."

The company represents businesses, professionals, entertainers and authors, obtaining media coverage for them through a strategy Friedman developed and explains in her book, "Celebritize Yourself: The Three Step Method to Increase Your Visibility and Explode Your Business."

EMSI is a "pay for performance" firm, a model Friedman pioneered. She defines "performance" as actual media exposure obtained for clients. Rather than paying a retainer fee, they sign up for a quantifiable amount of exposure. 

The company gains this news coverage through print journalists (both online and traditional), radio and TV interviews, and social media. EMSI also has a news division, News & Experts, which specializes in providing content for print media and expert guests for broadcast media.

"We've become a trusted resource to whom media across the United States and Canada turn for experts who can address trending issues and breaking news," Friedman says.

About Marsha Friedman

Marsha Friedman is CEO of EMSI Public Relations, a national firm that provides PR strategy and publicity services. Marsha is the author of Amazon best-seller "Celebritize Yourself." Twice weekly she publishes a popular marketing tips newsletter called, PR Insider. Subscriptions are free and are available at EMSI's website.

Contact Information:

Ginny Grimsley

Profil de l'entrepriseEMSI Public Relations