New Online Website Helps Parents Wanting to Adopt

SEMINAL, Fla., Jan. 22, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- By the time most couples arrive at an adoption agency, they have gone through years of failing to conceive. Fertility tests were followed by more frustrating news. Their friends, themselves building families without issue, walk on egg shells around them. By the time they arrive at an adoption agency they have exhausted all options for conceiving a family and look to help from the outside.

Mark Livings knows the frustration all too well. "You feel a little broken spiritually. Like nothing is within your control," he said. He is now the father of two adopted boys. Mark's journey through adoption left him with a newfound purpose to make adoption easier for couples. So CAIRS Solutions was born. 

Home Sweet Homestudy or HSH is the latest adoption product offered by CAIRS. HSH puts a small element of control back into the couples' hands as they begin to adoption. One of the first steps is to complete a homestudy, which serves three purposes:

  • Educating and preparing the family for adoption;
  • Evaluating the family's appropriateness for adoption.
  • Gathering information about the prospective parents to help connect the family with a child whose needs they can meet.

Home Sweet Homestudy is a resource for parents and agencies. The beauty of Home Sweet Homestudy is that it allows adoptive couples to test the waters of adoption. They can educate themselves on the Home study process in the comfort of their home. They anonymously reach out to Homestudy providers in their area and ask them to bid on their homestudy. Providers send their quote to the couple through the site. The couple can research each provider to make an informed decision. The couple maintains an element of control in the cost and selection process. The providers use Home Sweet Homestudy to raise their visibility to couples who wouldn't otherwise know they existed. It's a win, win. 

Couples and homestudy providers wanting more information on Home Sweet Homestudy can go here to register and learn more.

Providers seeking inclusion as a homestudy provide can go here to register.


CAIRS Solutions is a leading provider of adoption and foster care management software and cloud computing solutions to family support organizations. CAIRS offers a suite of advanced technology solutions focused around the entire life cycle of adoption and foster care management. Services are centered on the design, implementation and support of adoption agency and attorney processes, including online forms for parents, parent-child matching, electronic profiles, and post-adoption pictures and letters to birth parents. Customers include large and small organizations supported by transaction pricing. Due to its focus, expertise and experience implementing and supporting advanced technology solutions for adoption related services, CAIRS believes it is well positioned to deliver superior solutions and services to its customers. Additional information about CAIRS can be found on line at Additional information about its products can be found at,, and

The CAIRS Solutions LLC logo is available at

