Hunt Valley Veterinary Hospital Brings Holistic Care to Pets

HUNT VALLEY, Md., Jan. 27, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Veterinarian Dr. Gary Brooks of Hunt Valley Animal Hospital is regularly asked by a growing number of pet owners to perform acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments and other holistic treatments on his animal patients. As one of the few veterinarians in Maryland certified to perform these techniques on animals, Dr. Brooks explains that an increasing number of pet owners are seeking natural treatments for themselves and, by extension, their pets. He says their Hunt Valley veterinary hospital successfully uses these techniques to help improve many pets' health, particularly aging pets and pets for which conventional medical approaches were not working.

Dr. Brooks has been a practicing veterinarian since 1974, but has focused on holistic pet care at the Hunt Valley veterinary center for the last seven years. He explains, "Some of these techniques, particularly acupuncture, have been successfully performed on animals for centuries. The key with these complementary treatments is that they support a pet's natural ability to heal and recuperate without all of the side effects of medicines or even surgery in some cases. Our philosophy is to use the least invasive measures possible to bring about the best outcome for each pet."

Dr. Brooks, who is certified by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society to perform needling on pets, cites recent, wide-ranging scientific studies showing that the practice of acupuncture is more effective for pain management than many painkillers. He says they frequently recommend it for pets suffering with cancer because it helps lessen the pain and also the nausea associated with chemotherapy. He has also used it to successfully treat senior pets with arthritis and other inflammatory musculoskeletal problems.

The veterinarian is also certified to perform veterinary massage and chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Brooks explains that by keeping a pet's musculoskeletal system in balance, he helps ensure that their nervous systems and joints work better over the long term. He says these alternative and complementary treatments are particularly attractive to owners of senior pets or pets with underlying health concerns that may complicate surgical or conventional medical treatments. He adds that while some pets certainly do need surgery, he has been able to help some pets avoid it through a combination of traditional Chinese treatments and chiropractic care.

Dr. Brooks adds, "Nutrition is another major aspect of care. Educating our patients' families about what their pets need to eat, or not eat, for optimum health is critical. It's about looking at each pet as a whole, not just treating isolated symptoms. Our goal is to find the most successful treatment or combination of treatments, conventional or complementary, for each pet."

Hunt Valley Animal Hospital is a full service, state-of-the art veterinary center providing both conventional and complementary wellness, sick and emergency care for cats, dogs and many other types of pets. Their website is

The Hunt Valley Animal Hospital logo is available at

