Living Beyond Breast Cancer Hosts Weekend Conference

Annual Event Focuses on the Unique Needs of Women Living With Metastatic Disease

HAVERFORD, Pa., Feb. 12, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC), a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization headquartered in suburban Philadelphia, has opened registration for its 7th annual conference for women living with metastatic breast cancer. The event, Enhancing Your Health and Quality of Life, takes place Saturday, April 13 – Sunday April 14, 2013 at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel.

Breast cancer is considered metastatic when it spreads from the breast to another part of the body such as the lungs, bones, liver or brain.  There are approximately 152,000 women in the United States currently living with metastatic breast cancer and estimates indicate that advances in treatment and care will push that number to 164,000 by the year 2015.1 

"Previous conferences have attracted attendees from across the country by featuring leading national health care and wellness experts who present specialized plenary sessions and over a dozen workshops," says LBBC chief executive officer, Jean A. Sachs, MSS, MLSP, who continues that the event is "designed to address the complex medical, social and emotional situations many women experience when diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. As in past years, workshops for family members and caregivers will also be offered."

"Conference attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions about current research and clinical trials, treatment options and quality-of-life concerns," adds Elyse Spatz Caplan, MA, LBBC's director of programs and partnerships. "Additionally, attendees are given the chance to meet, connect and network with hundreds of women facing similar challenges expanding their peer support network. Travel grants and fee waivers, provided by Susan G. Komen for the Cure, are available for those who qualify."

LBBC's highly specialized programming for women living with stage IV breast cancer stems from the nonprofit's release of Silent Voices: Women with Advanced (Metastatic) Breast Cancer Share Their Needs and Preferences for Information, Support and Practical Resources. In this extensive report, LBBC consultants Musa Mayer, MS, MFA, and Susan E. Grober, PhD, reported their findings from a survey of 618 women living with stage IV disease. The survey focused in great detail on their use of and preferences for services in three domains: information, support and resources. The data revealed insights on the information, support and practical needs of women living with metastatic breast cancer so LBBC could address the gaps in tailored resources for this population.

To do this, LBBC created not only their annual conference but a variety of other resources.  Since the report's release, a special subsection of just for women with metastatic disease has been significantly expanded, free webinars and regional community meetings feature topics of appeal specifically to the metastatic breast cancer community and the LBBC Guides to Understanding Breast Cancer: Metastatic Series includes specialty titles: Treatment Options for Today and Tomorrow, Managing Stress and Anxiety, Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects, Understanding Palliative Care and LBBC's newest publication, Guide for the Newly Diagnosed.

Visit to register online and download an event brochure. To register by phone or for additional information, call (610) 645-4567.

The conference would not be possible without the support of the event's presenting travel grant and fee waiver sponsor Susan G Komen for the Cure®. Other event supporters include Title Sponsor Genentech.

1 Data on File. 1006812. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP. Wilmington, DE.

(484) 708-1547

LBBC provides services designed to help improve quality of life for women who are newly diagnosed, in treatment, recovery, years beyond their diagnosis or living with metastatic breast cancer as well as resources for family, friends and caregivers.  National conferences, monthly webinars, regional community meetings, the Guides to Understanding Breast Cancer and a toll-free Survivors' Helpline are examples of the services that are provided to help them make informed decisions for themselves and their families.

If you are or someone you know is living with a history of breast cancer, regardless of stage of diagnosis, age, race, religion, sexual orientation or ability to pay, LBBC can help. For more information, visit to download a free copy of Empower, LBBC's general information brochure or call (610) 645-4567.

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