London Veterinarian Celebrates Business Anniversary With Special Pricing

LONDON, Ontario, Feb. 17, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Firth Veterinary Hospital in London, ON is celebrating its 40th anniversary with special pet dental health pricing. The veterinary hospital is combining the anniversary celebration with its February "Pet Dental Month" celebration. Pets receive a free dental checkup in February. Pet owners who take their pets in for a dental checkup will also be entered to win Kindles, iPads and iPods in the sweepstakes with weekly draws. The hospital has deemed its celebration the 40/40/40 Anniversary Sale. If a routine dental cleaning scaling and polishing is necessary it is available for $199 to $299, which is up to half of the regular cost. For an additional $40, pet owners may upgrade the pre-op blood work to include a full wellness blood profile.

London veterinarian Dr. D. Peter Firth announced that his practice, Firth Veterinary Hospital, is celebrating its 40 anniversary in conjunction with a special "Pet Dental Month" celebration throughout the month of February.

The anniversary and pet dental celebration includes special pricing on pet care services. Pets can receive a free dental checkup throughout the month of February. Dental cleaning, scaling and polishing services are also offered at a reduced charge.

"We are excited to celebrate 40 years of service to the London community," said London veterinarian Dr. Firth. "We are proud to have helped thousands of pets live longer, healthier lives. That's why our celebration reflects our commitment to proactive wellness care, including pet dental care."

According to Dr. Firth, many pet owners do not realize how important pet dental care is for a pet's long-term health.

"Many health problems can be traced to poor oral hygiene," said Dr. Firth. "For example, a bacterial infection can start in the gums and then enter the bloodstream, ultimately affecting the heart and other internal organs. A regular dental exam and cleaning is essential to proactive wellness care."

In order to better educate pet owners about the importance of pet dental care, Firth Veterinary Hospital is offering pet dental services for a significant discount, including free dental checkups. These discounted services are part of the animal hospital's "40/40/40 Anniversary Sale."

"A pet dental cleaning does more than just keep a pet's breath from being unpleasant," said Dr. Firth. "Professional dental cleanings are the only way to remove. Without a cleaning, pets can suffer from bleeding gums, tooth loss and other painful oral health problems."

Every dental cleaning, scaling and polishing in February includes a free bag of oral health pet food, specially formulated for canine or feline oral wellness needs. This food typically retails for $20 to $24.

Pet owners who bring their pets in for a dental checkup will also be entered to win a free year of oral health pet food. Other sweepstakes giveaway prizes include an Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad or Apple iPod.

Firth Veterinary Hospital is a family-owned practice providing full-service pet wellness care.

