Apogee Addresses Technology and Market Assessment Forum in Scottsdale, AZ

Gas Utilities Achieve Success Driving Program Participation With Online Tools

ATLANTA, Feb. 26, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Apogee Interactive, a leading provider of energy analysis software to the energy industry, will present today at the Energy Solutions Center's Winter Technology and Market Assessment Forum (TMAF) in Scottsdale, AZ. The forum, drawing more than one hundred attendees, provides natural gas utility professionals insight on innovative energy efficiency solutions available for natural gas consumers and utilities.

Apogee's Business Development Manager, Jon Scott, will share his experiences working with a major natural gas company currently serving more than 1 million residential customers. Scott's presentation will highlight how Apogee's online applications are being used to drive program participation, encourage natural gas conversions, and increase customer satisfaction. The applications demonstrated during the presentation include an online home energy audit tool that provides a system by system breakdown of energy use and bill analysis, a bill analysis tool for CSRs, and fuel comparison calculators.

Apogee's analysis tools are the most accurate in the industry, being accredited by RESNET at the highest HERS-rating level. Scott explained, "The success of many utility programs is closely linked to offering customers a consistent and accurate explanation of what drives their energy bills. Apogee's easy to understand tools provide relevant recommendations about how to save money, leading to increased program participation and higher customer satisfaction."

President & CEO, Apogee Interactive, Susan Gilbert states, "We have found that our energy and bill analysis solutions help customers reduce their energy use by at least 4%," she explained. "In addition, independent studies have shown that our solutions increase customer participation in energy efficiency programs by a factor of five. Helping our utility clients achieve success in offering their customers accurate, trusted information about their energy use is the cornerstone of our commitment to success."

With more than 650 utility clients across the nation, Apogee's online tools reach more than 54 million households in the United States. The company, now in its 20th year, is recognized by energy professionals as an innovator in online technology for the energy industry. Partnering with utilities, Apogee's solutions foster customer trust, engagement in energy efficiency, and an enhanced customer experience.         

About APOGEE Interactive, Inc.

APOGEE Interactive Inc. (www.apogee.net) is a leading provider of online energy efficiency solutions to the utility industry. Founded in 1993, APOGEE's energy analysis applications are currently in use by more than 650 utilities across the US, reaching millions of consumers daily. APOGEE's clients span a wide range of leading investor-owned, public power and cooperative energy companies including Marietta Power & Water, Southern Company (SO), Jackson EMC, Cobb EMC, NOVEC, Con Edison (ED), Piedmont Natural Gas (PNY), NSTAR (NST), American Electric Power (AEP), Entergy (ETR), the SMUD, TVA, and Salt River Project.

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