Transfer Madness, a Free Live Online College Fair for Students Interested in 4-Year Colleges in Kentucky, Slated for Wednesday, March 6th

First Ever Virtual Event at Created for Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) Students, High School Teens and College Students Preparing to Enter a 4-Year College in Kentucky

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CollegeWeekLive(TM), the channel where students and colleges meet live online, today announced it has partnered with the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education and the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) to offer Transfer Madness, a first of its kind free online college fair on Wednesday March 6th tailored to the needs of students at two-year community and technical colleges within Kentucky, high school students and even students outside of Kentucky interested in transferring to a four-year college or university in Kentucky.

One third of all college students transfer at least once within five years1, and increasingly a transfer may be part of a student's higher education plan---from the beginning. Transfer Day is designed to answer any and all questions students may have to successfully transfer to a four-year college in Kentucky. Students who log in to the free live event on March 6th between 10 AM and 10 PM EST will be able to text chat with agents from all of Kentucky's public and private postsecondary institutions as well as the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority. Attendees will also be able to gather advice from admissions experts on enrolling and succeeding in a four-year college and will be eligible for scholarships and exciting prizes like scholarships, iPads, Kindle Fires and autographed basketballs just for logging in to the virtual event.

"Our mission is to inspire students, upon earning their associate's degree, to transfer from KCTCS colleges to our four-year institutions in the State of Kentucky, and to make it easy for them to do so," said Robert L. King, president of the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. "I am delighted to invite all KCTCS students and high school students to this live online event."

Transfer Madness will feature live video presentations, and for those who are logged in, an opportunity to have their admissions questions answered instantly by presenters. Prospective transfer students, counselors or parents interested in attending Transfer Madness should pre-register for free. If you have questions, please contact Support(at)CollegeWeekLive(dot)com or call 888.697.0050. Colleges interested in participating should contact Exhibit(at)CollegeWeekLive(dot)com or 800.828.8222.

WHO KCTCS students, high school students, college students
WHAT Transfer Madness, a free virtual college admissions event showcasing Kentucky 4-year colleges
WHEN Wednesday March 6, 2013, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM Eastern
WHERE     Online at Pre-register for free.
WHY Watch live video presentations on planning and paying for college.

Get instant answers to your transfer questions!

Text and video chat live with admissions agents and college students from public and private universities in Kentucky. Be eligible to win free prizes and a scholarship!


If you are a member of the media with questions, please contact press(at)CollegeWeekLive(dot)com. For other questions, please contact Support(at)CollegeWeekLive(dot)com or call 888.697.0050.


The Council on Postsecondary Education coordinates change and improvement in Kentucky's postsecondary education system as directed by the Kentucky Postsecondary Education Improvement Act of 1997. The Council is a statewide coordinating agency comprised of fifteen members with thirteen citizens, one faculty member, and one student appointed by the Governor; the Commissioner of Education is an ex-officio member.


The Kentucky Community and Technical College System includes 16 colleges with more than 70 campuses. Programs offered include associate degrees, pre-baccalaureate education to transfer to a public 4-year institution; occupational degrees; adult education, continuing and developmental education; customized training for business and industry; and distance learning.


CollegeWeekLive(TM) is the leading channel where students and colleges meet online. More than 1,200,000 students from 192 countries rely on CollegeWeekLive to help navigate college admissions. This live channel provides unprecedented access to expert presentations and enables students to have unscripted conversations with hundreds of colleges.

Students turn to CollegeWeekLive to gain insights from current students, admission representatives, and leading experts, whether they are narrowing their choice of schools or making post-admission decisions. Through live text and video chats, students, parents, and counselors engage directly with colleges at every stage of the enrollment process with CollegeWeekLive.

CollegeWeekLive, CollegeWeekLive Counselor Network and CollegeWeekLive Advisor Center are trademarks of CollegeWeekLive, Inc. All other trademarks or service marks are property of their respective owners.

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The following files are available for download:

wkr0006.pdf Free Live Online College Fair for 4-Year Colleges in Kentucky
[Image] Kentucky Council on Post Secondary Ed logo
[Image] CollegeWeekLive logo2
[Image] KCTCS logo
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