Customers Can Protect and Streamline Crucial Hospital Systems and Improve Efficiency With New MEDITECH Certification for NetApp

New MEDITECH Certification for NetApp FAS Storage Means Greater Access to Data, More Integration and Reduced Costs for Customers

SUNNYVALE, CA--(Marketwire - Mar 4, 2013) - Today NetApp (NASDAQ: NTAP) announced that MEDITECH, the leading provider of electronic health records (EHRs), has certified NetApp FAS storage for its EHR systems. This news is particularly valuable for the many customers who use NetApp solutions enterprise-wide and who will now have the ability to consolidate architectures and previously-siloed storage to gain efficiencies and simplicity.

"Healthcare providers today are looking for increased agility in terms of how they store, process, and manage the explosion of electronic patient data. They need the ability to access this data anytime and anywhere, and it must be well protected," said Dave Nesvisky, senior director of NetApp Healthcare. "With the new MEDITECH certification on NetApp, we can now offer our customers new solutions to enhance mission-critical EHRs."

As healthcare organizations become increasingly dependent on their EHRs to aid in the delivery of quality care, the availability of these systems is critical. To safeguard against system outages, customers require seamless protection for backup and disaster recovery. NetApp has chosen to partner with BridgeHead Software, MEDITECH's premiere data management partner, to enable integrated data protection that provides application-consistent recovery points for MEDITECH data.

"For more than a decade, BridgeHead Software has been providing solutions to protect MEDITECH data," said Nesvisky. "We are pleased to partner with them to offer an integrated solution that provides the best aspects of BridgeHead's data management abilities with NetApp's storage efficiencies."

And with healthcare budgets as tight as ever, storage efficiency equals cost-savings.

"Cost is also a significant factor with the always-changing treatment environment healthcare organizations face. With the unified system architecture this new MEDITECH certification offers, our customers will see a bigger return on investment and greater staff productivity as they streamline IT management," said Nesvisky. "The ability to optimize cost performance depending on the workload also is a significant benefit."

Supporting Quotes:

  • Kirk Larson, Chief Information Officer, Children's Hospital of Central California
    "Children's Hospital of Central California has chosen NetApp as a strategic partner because of their ability to help us achieve our business objectives. Up to now, we have been able to run our entire enterprise, with the exception of MEDITECH, on NetApp. The fact that we will now be able to bring our MEDITECH system onto NetApp, and eliminate the last storage silo in our business means we can ultimately better serve our patients."

  • Steve Clark, Chief Information Officer, Albemarle Hospital of North Carolina
    "At Albemarle Hospital, we chose NetApp because we needed a scalable, easy-to-support solution that could deliver high availability for our MEDITECH system and enable us to meet stringent recovery times. Even before this new certification, we have been very pleased with the results and are glad to see MEDITECH validate our decision by extending their official certification to NetApp storage."

  • Mike Belkner, Associate Vice President, System Technology, MEDITECH
    "We are pleased to now offer our customers a new storage choice with this certification of NetApp FAS. Over the past year, we were hearing from our customers that they want to have an additional choice for storage. NetApp was the name we heard the most."

Additional Resources:

About NetApp
NetApp creates innovative storage and data management solutions that deliver outstanding cost efficiency and accelerate business breakthroughs. Our commitment to living our core values and consistently being recognized as a great place to work around the world are fundamental to our long-term growth and success, as well as the success of our pathway partners and customers. Use of the word "partner" or "partnership" does not imply a legal partnership between NetApp and any other company. Discover our passion for helping companies around the world go further, faster at

Medical Information Technology, Inc. (MEDITECH) provides a comprehensive and integrated EHR designed to help healthcare organizations increase patient safety, streamline processes, and improve communication across departments and care teams. Hospitals and other care facilities using MEDITECH benefit from products designed to meet the needs of clinicians and staff throughout the continuum, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, radiologists, laboratory technicians, business office personnel, executives, human resource managers, and financial staff. Learn more about MEDITECH, the EHR for new healthcare at

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Press Contact:
Dana Rossmeier
Porter Novelli
(202) 973-2937