Industry Visionary Addresses Chartwell Summits

Apogee's Joel Gilbert Advocates "Incasting" Over "Broadcasting"

ATLANTA, March 22, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Apogee Chief Software Architect, Joel Gilbert, P.E., addressed the utility industry gathered this week in Atlanta at two Chartwell Summits: Marketing Energy Efficiency Programs and Serving Mid-size Business Customers. Gilbert's message to the more than 70 participants was clear: listen to customers more and move faster with social and mobile offerings.

"Energy utilities need to look at banking and retailing to see how mobile environments are reshaping customer expectations," Gilbert advised. "Not moving quickly enough will translate into lower customer service scores."

While some marketing approaches might tend toward "broadcasting a message in surround sound," Gilbert advocates what he calls "incasting," providing customized messages to customers that are responsive to what they care about. "Customers don't spend much time thinking about energy bills; a study by Accenture shows that number to be fewer than six minutes a year," Gilbert reported. "So it's best when we can catch their attention when they receive their bill with a relevant offer personalized to their values," he said.

Known for his legendary wit and wisdom, Gilbert kept the audience laughing and learning with his poignant stories of customer perceptions and how careful listening can nudge customers to take actions. He also called for "fracking the silos" of traditional marketing approaches to energy efficiency and demand response and, instead, "stay focused on customer mindshare and how to stay relevant."

Chartwell's Marketing Energy Efficiency Programs Summit brings together thought leaders and utility professionals responsible for creating, managing and marketing energy efficiency programs to customers. Chartwell's Serving Mid-size Business Customers Summit attracts utility managers, directors and other decision makers interested in learning the best practices and lessons learned in this unique market segment. Serving the industry for 20 years, Chartwell is an information service company focused on improving utility customer satisfaction.

APOGEE Interactive Inc. ( ) is the leading provider of online energy analysis applications to 650 electric and gas utilities across the US, reaching more than 56 million customers. Founded in 1993, Apogee pioneered electronic applications designed to increase a utility's customer engagement and today its predictive software consistently earns high marks for accuracy and ease of use. From EnergyInsights modules for residential and commercial audits to Eco-Stewards™ energy and environmental curriculum for students, Apogee's applications operate on desktop, iPad and mobile devices; integrate with all leading billing providers; and now offer voice or text capability through a utility's interactive voice response system. Clients include investor-owned, public and cooperative energy companies including Con Edison (ED), American Electric Power (AEP), Entergy (ETR), Southern Company (SO), NSTAR (NST), Salt River Project, and Jackson EMC.

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