Integrity Media Releases Report on Cyber Security, Staffing 360 Solutions

LAS VEGAS, March 28, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Integrity Media Inc, an Investor Relations firm focused on unique Small and Micro Cap equities, has published an editorial report regarding the increasing need for Cyber Security and Staffing 360 Solutions, Inc's (OTCQB:STAF) entry in the growing industry.

The report titled, "As Cyber Threats Continue to Make International Headlines Staffing 360 Solutions Secures its Niche" is available in its entirety free of charge to investors and interested parties.

From the report:

"The headline was clear, South Korea had been hacked quite successfully via what the country viewed as an international assault. Large banks and important media had been hit hard. The escalating rhetoric from North Korea made for an easy suspect. Many wondered if the attack was a warning, a different kind of saber rattling, a 'look at what we can do whenever we want' message tantamount to a military exercise or a missile test. And it made it very clear that cyber security is and shall remain an essential and growing industry. As investors are abundantly aware, new societal necessities often create large opportunities in the market which explains the recent entry of Staffing 360 Solutions, Inc. into the cyber security space.

Yesterday's release by Staffing 360 Solutions, Inc., an emerging growth public company engaged in the provision of international staffing services in IT, announced that the company has added to its recent roster of acquisition agreements with The Revolution Group, Ltd, which is one of the few Cyber Security Consulting firms in the United States solely dedicated to identifying the top 10% of highly trained Cyber Security professionals available for consulting assignments. The acquisition agreement firmly positions Staffing 360 Solutions in the rapidly growing Cyber Security market while simultaneously expanding the company's service diversity, credibility and branding."

Click here to read the report.

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