Tempo Industries in Founding Role With Light Think University

Venture Teams Industry Leaders in Design, Solid State Lighting and Controls to Connect the Next Generation of Consumers and College Campus Teams With Sustainable, Smart Lighting

IRVINE, Calif., April 17, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tempo Industries, LLC, resetting the bar for scalable, modular and linear LED lighting solutions by leveraging its 27-year lighting industry success record, announced its support as a founding sponsor of Light Think University (LTU), a thought and design leader inspiring people to see light differently. LTU's recently launched awareness-to-action campaign is targeted at enriching educational lighting experiences while reducing lighting energy use in colleges and universities nationwide by 80 percent. LTU is sharing campaign details and presentations by academic and industry participants, including Tempo, during a panel discussion at LIGHTFAIR International (LFI) in Philadelphia April 24, 2013.

"The LTU campaign connects interdisciplinary student teams with lighting industry leaders for experiential learning in people-inspired, sustainable design practices that employ leading-edge solid-state lighting technologies for a wide range of room environments," commented Tempo President & CEO, Terrence Walsh, who also serves on the LTU board of directors. "Tempo's LED-based product development embraces a philosophy shared by a number of likeminded companies, namely that it is imperative to both focus and expand the educational requirements necessary to support the adoption of LED technology."

Tempo has been a long-term advocate of the premise that active involvement with education is of critical importance in advancing both LED lighting and the customer's energy management skills. To that end, the company has regularly hosted 'lunch & learn' programs, and implemented extensive product reviews and mock-ups that had effectively set the stage for the company's involvement with Light Think University.

Mr. Walsh added, "We believe that the visions of Tempo and LTU are fundamentally aligned on two strategic points: First, that we all need to take a more holistic approach to lighting as a value-adding 'appliance', not a commodity; Second, that real engagement with people creates a dynamic opportunity to participate in molding, adapting and changing the antiquated supply chain dominated by outdated legacy systems."

According to the Energy Information Agency, higher education institutions spend nearly $12 billion annually in electricity costs for lighting and are the third highest energy consumer in the U.S. LTU's awareness-to-action campaign intends to inspire lighting innovation that focuses as much on the beauty and comfort of the visual environment as on energy efficiency. A primary goal is to demonstrate how respectful, people-inspired lighting designs can enrich the learning experience, while stimulating student interaction, enthusiasm and engagement. Participating schools will demonstrate an 80-percent reduction of lighting energy use while positively impacting their educational, technical and sustainability brand image with students, parents and the community.

"Light Think University is thankful and very appreciative of the support and active participation that the team at Tempo Industries has invested in us this past year. We look forward to hearing from Terrence during our LTU Launch Event at this year's LIGHTFAIR International," said Derry Berrigan, LTU chair and co-founder.  "The encouragement and financial support that Tempo has provided will help LTU in its mission to transform higher education's built environment while creating learning laboratories for students. We are preparing the next generation of consumers, professionals and workforce to see light differently."

To attend the LTU panel at LFI or to learn more about LTU's program and participants please visit http://www.mcapr.com/LTAgenda.htm

About Tempo Industries, LLC

Tempo Industries, located in Irvine, California, was established in 1986 and is the premier manufacturer supplying LED illumination and safety systems to the North American theater market. Building upon its over 17 years of manufacturing experience in LED lighting products, Tempo expanded into the high end commercial-industrial lighting market in 2008 with the launch of its Series 6000 high performance modular, scalable linear LED lighting system. The company has seen rapid expansion in 2012-2013 with the introduction of its Series 3000, 4000, 5000, 7000 and Creszendo LED-based product families. Tempo products have been recognized with numerous design awards including the US DOE's Next Generation Lighting competition, a Gold Award at Neocon Canada, and several awards of distinction from the IES and LIGHTFAIR, including the 2010 Innovation and Best in Category awards. Tempo is an Energy Star® and Lighting Facts® partner and member of the US Green Building Council. All of Tempo's linear, modular and theater lighting solutions come with a 5-year warranty and the No Factory in the Field® promise. For more information, visit Tempo online at www.tempoindustries.com

About Light Think University

Light Think University (LTU) is an independent, lighting-focused nonprofit think-and-do tank. LTU activates the appreciation of light to redefine people's perception of the impact and value of light in their life through awareness, education and action programs. Working with industry, lifestyle partners and allied organizations, LTU is committed to teaching the next generation to see light differently, leading to lighting innovations that enriches people's experiences, shrinks the world's energy obesity and respects our generational stewardship responsibilities. LTU maintains a commitment to transform the educational lighting experience on college campuses with 80 percent energy reductions while setting the goal for net-zero tomorrow. To learn more, please visit www.lightthink.org.

