Decisions made by SBAB’s 2013 Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of SBAB Bank AB (publ) this Thursday, Board
Members Per Anders Fasth, Jakob Grinbaum, Ebba Lindsö, Karin Moberg and Christer
Åberg were re-elected. The AGM elected Bo Magnusson, Kristina Ekengren and Jane
Lundgren-Ericsson as new Board Members. Bo Magnusson was elected Chairman of the
Board and Jakob Grinbaum was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board.
The AGM elected KPMG AB as auditor until the end of the 2014 AGM. The auditing
firm has appointed Authorized Public Accountant Hans Åkervall as the auditor
principally responsible.

Decisions on changed financial targets

The AGM adopted new financial targets for SBAB.

Capital structure: The Core Tier I capital ratio shall amount to 18-20%. The
Core Tier I Capital Ratio is calculated in accordance with the applicable
regulations and the definitions applicable to Pillar 1, without transitional

Profitability: Return on equity (ROE) shall amount to at least 10%. ROE is
calculated as profit for the year after tax divided by average equity.

Dividend policy: Ordinary dividends shall amount to at least 40% of net profit
for the year, taking the Group’s capital structure into consideration.

Apart from the target levels, the Core Tier I Ratio and dividend decisions shall
take into consideration the implementation of the Group’s strategy and its
investment needs. The financial targets are long-term and will be evaluated over
a business cycle.

Other decisions

  · The AGM resolved that the funds at its disposal according to the adopted
balance sheet are to be carried forward and that no dividend will be paid for
the financial year.

  · The AGM resolved to adopt the Board’s proposal for guidelines on
remunerations to the Executive Management.

  · The AGM resolved to set the fee paid to Board members until the end of the
next AGM at SEK 350,000 for the Chairman and SEK 175,000 for the other Board
Members. The AGM also resolved that a fee of SEK 3,500 per meeting will be paid
for work within the committees established by the Board.

All documents presented at the AGM can be found at SBAB’s website
Documentation is mainly available in Swedish.
For further information, please contact:
Bernd Schmitz, Chief Press Officer, SBAB
Telephone: 46 8 614 43 94, Mobile: 46 727 44 43 94
SBAB offers residential mortgages and saving products through the Internet and
telephone, and also grants loans to the corporate sector and housing
associations. By offering products and services that challenge and simplify,
SBAB contributes to increased competition in the Swedish market. The company was
founded in 1985 and is wholly owned by the Swedish Government. In 2012, the
company’s lending volume amounted to SEK 255.9 billion and the deposit volume to
SEK 27.7 billion. SBAB Bank has about 410 employees, of whom approximately 120
work at the headquarters in Stockholm. Learn more at

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