Shareholders in AB Geveko are herewith notified that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on May 28, 2013 at 15.00 p.m. in the head office of the company, Marieholmsgatan 38, Göteborg, Sweden. NOTIFICATION Shareholders who wish to participate in the Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) - shall be registered in the register of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB by May 22, 2013, and - shall notify the company of their intention to participate no later than May 24, 2013. The notification can be made in writing to the company at AB Geveko, Box 2137, SE-403 13 Göteborg, Sweden, by fax +46 31 711 88 66 and by e-mail or by phoning +46 31 17 29 45. Shareholders bringing advisors shall state how many (maximum two). Shareholders whose shares are registered in the names of nominees must have their shares temporarily re-registered in their own name in order to be entitled to participate in the EGM. Such temporary re-registration should be completed well in advance of May 22, 2013 with the bank or brokerage in whose name the shares are registered. Shareholders who are represented by proxies shall issue a proxy for the person in question. If the proxy is issued by a legal entity a verified copy of certificate of registration shall be enclosed. The proxy must not be more than one year old. Originals of proxy forms and certificates of registration, if any, should reach the company well in advance of the EGM. The company provides proxy forms at PROPOSED AGENDA 1. Opening of Meeting. 2. Election of chairman of the Meeting. 3. Preparation and approval of voting list. 4. Approval of the agenda. 5. Election of one or two persons to check and approve the minutes together with the chairman. 6. Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened. 7. Resolution concerning divestment of the third-tier subsidiary Geveko Oy, Finland. 8. Closing of the Meeting. PROPOSAL The Board’s proposal for resolution according to Item 7 (The proposal entails decision at General Meeting according to Chapter 16 §§ 1 and 5 Companies Act) Geveko OY manufactures and sells paint partly for roadmarking and partly for industrial and consumer markets. Water based road marking paint is currently produced within Geveko in Germany, Sweden and Finland. To make the production more efficient, the board of AB Geveko has given management the task of divesting Geveko OY, an action that also matches the group’s overall strategy to concentrate to its core business. The Board proposes that the Extraordinary General Meeting approves the Board’s decision on disposal of the third-tier subsidiary Geveko Oy, Finland. Buyers are related parties. The purchase price is 1 euro. Number of shares and votes The total number of shares in issue is 16 878 132 of which 2 880 000 are Series “A” shares and 13 998 132 are Series “B” shares. Each Series “A” share carry one vote and each “B” share 1/10th of a vote. The total number of votes are 4,279,813,2. Other information The Board’s proposal for resolution according to Item 7 will be available to the shareholders at the head office of the company, Marieholmsgatan 38, Göteborg, Sweden, telephone +46 31 172945 and on the company website A copy of the proposal will be sent without charge upon the request from a shareholder. Extraordinary General Meeting programme 14.00 p.m. Doors open 15.00 p.m. EGM opens Göteborg, Sweden, May 2013 AB GEVEKO (publ) The Board AB GEVEKO (plc) Co Reg. No.: 556024-6844 P.O. Box 2137, SE-403 13 Göteborg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 172945
| Source: Geveko, AB