Annual General Meeting of Loomis AB (publ)

At today's Annual General Meeting of Loomis AB (publ) the following was

Board of Directors
The Annual General Meeting resolved that the number of Board members shall be
five with no deputy members. The Meeting re-elected Alf Göransson, Jan Svensson
and Ulrik Svensson and elected Ingrid Bonde och Cecilia Daun Wennborg as new
Board members. Alf Göransson was re-elected Chairman of the Board. The fee to
the Board members was determined to a total of SEK 1,825,000 (including fees for
committee work) apportioned so that the Chairman of the Board shall receive
SEK 500,000 and the other Board members SEK 250,000 each. The Chairman of the
Audit Committee shall receive SEK 150,000, the Chairman of the Remuneration
Committee SEK 75,000, a member of the Audit Committee SEK 75,000 and a member of
the Remuneration Committee SEK 25,000.

Nomination Committee
The Meeting re-elected Jan Svensson (Investment AB Latour, etc.), Mikael Ekdahl
(Melker Schörling AB) and Marianne Nilsson (Swedbank Robur fonder) and elected
Johan Strandberg (SEB Fonder/SEB Trygg Liv) and Henrik Didner (Didner & Gerge
Fonder) as new members of the Nomination Committee before the Annual General
Meeting 2014. Jan Svensson was appointed Chairman of the Committee.

In accordance with the proposal of the Board, the Meeting resolved to declare a
dividend of SEK 4.50 per share.

May 10, 2013 was determined as record date for dividend and payment from
Euroclear Sweden AB is expected to commence on May 15, 2013.

Guidelines for remuneration to management
The Annual General Meeting resolved on the adoption of guidelines for
remuneration to management, principally entailing that the remuneration and
terms of employment shall be competitive and in accordance with market
conditions, in order to ensure that the Loomis Group will be able to attract and
keep competent management employees. The guidelines principally entail that the
total remuneration to management shall consist of fixed salary, possible
variable remuneration and other customary benefits and pension. The variable
remuneration shall have an upper limit and be based on pre-determined targets.
Pension rights for management employees shall be applicable as from the age of
65, at the earliest and shall, to the extent management is not subject to
pension benefits pursuant to collective agreement (ITP-plan), be provided
pursuant to a fee-determined pension plan. The Board shall be entitled to
deviate from the guidelines in individual cases if there are particular grounds
for such deviation. The complete guidelines are published on the company

Incentive Scheme
The Meeting resolved, in accordance with the Board proposal, on the
implementation of a share and cash based incentive scheme (the “Incentive
Scheme”). The implementation of the Incentive Scheme principally entails that
1/3 of any annual bonus earned may be paid in the form of shares of series B in
Loomis with delayed payment and subject to continued employment with Loomis.

Approximately 300 employees will participate in the Incentive Scheme and thereby
be entitled to receive a part of the annual bonus in the form of shares in
Loomis, provided that certain predetermined and measurable performance criteria
are met. The existing principles relates to result improvements and are set as
close to the local business as possible and aim for long term profitability of
the group.

Provided that the applicable performance criteria are met, the annual bonus will
be determined at the outset of 2014 and be payable by (i) 2/3 in cash at the
outset of 2014 and (ii) 1/3 in shares of series B (the “Bonus Shares”) at the
outset of 2015. The number of Bonus Shares to which each participant will be
entitled shall be determined by the ratio between the available bonus and the
share price at the time of determination of the bonus. Distribution of Bonus
Shares in accordance with (ii) presupposes that the participant is employed by
Loomis as of the last day of February 2015. If the total accrued bonus amounts
to less EUR 4,200, the whole bonus will be paid out in cash in accordance with
(i) above.

Furthermore, in order to enable Loomis’ delivery of Bonus Shares in accordance
with the Incentive Scheme, the Meeting resolved to enter into a share swap
agreement with a third party, whereby the third party in its own name shall
acquire and transfer shares in the company to employees participating in the
Incentive Scheme.

Comments by the President and CEO
“Two and a half years ago we presented our renewed strategy and our financial
and operational goals to be achieved by 2014 at the latest. The operational
goals with the highest priorities are to increase the proportion of branches
that achieve our profitability goal and to increase the percentage of Cash
Management Services (CMS) compared with Cash in Transit (CIT) to 30 percent of
total revenue. The most important financial goal is an operating margin (EBITA)
of at least 10 percent by 2014 at the latest,” Lars Blecko, President and CEO of
Loomis, said in his address.

“I can state that, based on this strategy, in which operational efficiency is
key, we have improved our operating margin to 9.0 percent for 2012. I am
therefore convinced that we will achieve our goal of an operating margin of 10
percent during 2014 at the latest. An important factor contributing to the
improvement is that we have gradually increased the percentage of profitable
branches. Since 2010, when we set this goal, the percentage has increased from
74 to 77 percent. Although there is still some way to go before we achieve our
goal of 85 percent, the increase is incredibly important for our profitability
and operating margin.”

Using successful examples from Karlstad in Sweden, Oslo in Norway and Madison in
the USA, Lars Blecko showed how work on improving profitability at the branches
had taken place. What all three have in common is that they have made
responsibilities clearer, they have clearer divisional roles and all employees
are involved in the improvement work. He concludes that there is a huge amount
of leverage in increasing efficiency and thus profitability at each and every
one of the Group’s branches, which number nearly 400.

Lars Blecko also spoke about the increasing percentage of CMS by describing
developments in the USA. “In the USA, Loomis has historically been a ‘transport
company’ with a high share of CIT. Over the past 4 to 5 years the percentage of
CMS has increased from slightly more than 15 percent to its current level of 26
percent. The increase has mainly come from contracts with smaller bank offices.
It is therefore particularly pleasing that in the second quarter of this year we
will be starting a partnership with one of the major US banks, taking over its
cash management in four locations, including two of the bank’s biggest units in
Houston and San Diego.”

Loomis has carried out an advanced analysis of how the use of cash is expected
to develop over the coming 10 years. Lars Blecko underlined that this shows that
the amount of cash in Loomis’ most important markets will increase even if the
share of transactions executed using cash reduces. He concludes that there will
be room for organic growth at Loomis in the foreseeable future.

Regarding the results for 2012, Lars Blecko drew attention to a number of
highlights. These include the improved operating margin to 9.0 percent, the
successful integration of Efectivox in Spain and Vigencia in Argentina, and the
fact that Pendum in the USA made a strong contribution. He also noted that
earnings per share had increased by 27 percent to SEK 8.90 (7.03) and that the
dividend had been increased by 20 percent to SEK 4.50 (3.75).

This press release is also available at:

Alf Göransson
Chairman of the Board
Phone number: +46 10 470 30 00
Loomis offers safe and effective comprehensive solutions for the distribution,
handling and recycling of cash for banks, retailers and other commercial
companies via an international network consisting of almost 400 branch offices
in 16 countries. Loomis has 20 000 employees and annual revenue of 11 billion
Swedish kronor. Loomis is a midcap listed company on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
Loomis AB discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Swedish
Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The
information was submitted for publication at 8.20 p.m. (CET) on May 6th, 2013.

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