Corporate Canary helps businesses enforce distracted driving policies

Inexpensive app provides reports on talking, texting while driving

COLUMBIA, S.C., May 13, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Businesses can now use an app to help keep their employees from causing injury or death by using smartphones while driving. The Canary project announced Corporate Canary, a new commercial version of its Canary distracted driving prevention app, priced as low as $1.99 per user, per year.

Recent studies demonstrate the need for such measures. One found that only 32 percent of companies are "very confident" that their distracted driving enforcement methods are effective. Another showed that nearly half of adult commuters admit to texting while driving.

A jury's $21 million award last year against Coca-Cola Refreshments USA Inc. demonstrates the potential liability businesses face when their employees use cellphones while driving company vehicles. A Coca-Cola employee was driving a company truck while using a cellphone when the truck crashed into a Texas woman's car, causing spinal injury.

"To limit liability, companies are ramping up their safe-driving policies," said Jani Spede, CEO of The Canary Project. "Companies we've spoken to tell us they cannot afford for these policies to exist only on paper. They want to take extra security measures. Corporate Canary helps them do just that and at a price any organization with on-the-road employees can afford."

Corporate Canary notifies managers when employees use their employer-provided iPhones or Android phones while driving company vehicles. Reports track when a driver talks, texts, checks email or uses social media while the vehicle is in motion. Corporate Canary also monitors when employees speed. Managers can choose to receive daily or weekly reports on employees' driving records. Importantly, the app can be configured to track employees only during business hours, respecting the employees' privacy when they are not on the clock.

Corporate Canary also tells managers exactly where their employees are and provides a detailed dashboard and downloadable reports that show each time each driver uses the phone while on the road, giving managers information and evidence for policy enforcement.

"The logs also help companies reward their safest drivers for honoring company policies," Spede added.

Businesses can try Corporate Canary free for 14 days. Corporate Canary's annual subscription fee is based on the number of drivers monitored. The price is as low as $1.99 per user, per year. Discounts for nonprofits and monthly contracts are also available, as is custom pricing for companies that have more than 1,000 drivers.

More information on Corporate Canary is available at


The Canary Project ( is an initiative dedicated to curbing distracted driving, especially among teen drivers. Collaborating with partners who share a passion for safe driving and saving lives, The Canary Project supports existing driving safety programs and creates educational and awareness resources that will help prevent distracted driving and create safer roads. See the Canary Project blog. Connect with The Canary Project on Facebook and follow the organization on Twitter: @Canary_Project.



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