Los Angeles Dental Implants Specialist, Dr. Markzar, Offers Dental Implants for Replacement of Missing Teeth

Dr. Markzar, dental implants specialist in Los Angeles, uses dental implants to replace teeth lost to accidents or disease.

Los Angeles, CA, June 5, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Sam Markzar, Los Angeles periodontist, helps permanently restore missing teeth with the help of dental implants. Whether the teeth have been lost due to periodontal disease or trauma, dental implants can provide a permanent solution.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root, usually made from titanium or titanium alloy. However, the term dental implant is commonly used to refer to the artificial tooth root and the crown that is attached to it. In some cases, a bridge is attached to the implant instead of a crown.

The process for placing a dental implant requires time and commitment. However, once completed, dental implants can last a lifetime. First, Dr. Markzar, Los Angeles dental implants dentist, takes images of the jaw to determine which type of implant the patient needs. If the bone density of the jaw where the implant must be placed is not sufficient, a specially-shaped implant may be placed instead. At times, patients may require a bone grafting procedure in order to improve the bone density of the compromised area.  Dr. Markzar will then intricately place the implant into the jaw. Ample healing time must be allowed for six to twelve weeks to ensure that a strong bond forms between the implant and the jaw bone. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Markzar places the crown or bridge over the implant, completing the process.

Dental implants offer several advantages over traditional bridges or dentures, according to Dr. Markzar, periodontist in Beverly Hills. Implants are very durable. However, if a patient experiences a problem with their implant, Dr. Markzar is one of the few dentists in the region who can both place and restore implants. In addition, dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from the patient's natural teeth, and can be cared for much like a natural tooth.

About Dr. Sam Markzar, DDS, Expert in Dental Implants Los Angeles

Dr. Markzar, Beverly Hills dental implants dentist, began his career as a periodontist after he graduated from University of Southern California (USC) with his Doctorate in Dental Surgery and Oral Medicine. He later completed postgraduate work in Advanced Periodontology, Oral Implantology, and Surgery. Since that time, Dr. Markzar has placed or restored hundreds of dental implants.

Contact Beverly Hills Periodontal Arts and Implants to schedule a consultation for dental implants. Dr. Markzar is glad to provide consultations and explain the benefits and drawbacks of the procedure for each individual patient.

