Win a $50,000 Business Makeover Courtesy of Powerteam International!

Attend Ultimate Success Camp in Chicago (June 30 -- July 2) and get the chance to win a $50,000 business makeover!

Chicago, IL, June 18, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ( -- That's right, you read the headline correctly! By signing up and attending Ultimate Success Camp, you'll get the opportunity to win a $50,000 makeover for your business! The best part is -- for a limited time you can register for Ultimate Success Camp for FREE  (valued at $4,997) at: with entry code 7777!

Ultimate Success Camp is a two and a half day success conference that focuses on impacting your financial future with Internet Marketing and Joint Ventures. Speakers include Bill Walsh -- widely known as American's Business Expert, Bob Burg -- author of "The Go Giver," Chairman of CEO Space -- Berry Dohrmann, Online Marketing Guru -- Austin Walsh, and Re-Invention Expert -- Lisa Lockwood and more.

Ultimate Success Camp will kick off June 30th with a VIP party at the Walsh Estate where guest will meet and greet with some of the top entrepreneurs in their industries. Following the party, the two-day conference will take place July 1st & 2nd at the Schaumburg Marriott Hotel.  

"Take advantage of this NEVER before seen opportunity and register to attend Chicago's Ultimate Success Camp for FREE! You can't afford NOT to take advantage of a chance to win a $50,000 business makeover! We strive to help businesses succeed, so help us help you and sign up today!" says Bill Walsh, CEO of Powerteam International.

To learn more about Ultimate Success Camp, visit: To schedule a media interview with guest speakers, contact:


About Powerteam International

Powerteam International (PTI) is the leading Success Education, Venture Capital, Business Coaching and Personal Development Company in the world. PTI provides Corporate and Entrepreneurial training programs, Venture Funding and Business Coaching in cities around the world. For more info visit:

About Bill Walsh

Bill Walsh(R) is the CEO/Founder of Business Coaching/Venture Capital firm Powerteam International. Walsh hosts and speaks at events all over the world. He is an accomplished author, speaker, radio personality and movie celebrity. He has a successful background in finance and spent two decades working with start-ups to major global brands increasing sales, productivity and overall success. For more info visit:

