Changes to Quest Tracker Index (QTI)

NEW YORK, July 2, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As of July 1, 2013, the following changes were implemented in respect of the Quest Tracker Index ("QTI") composition and methodology: 1) the weight of the fixed income sector was reduced by 20%; 2) the Short-Term Model (QTI1) began trading the currency sector in addition to the other five market sectors -- previously currency trading was omitted from the QTI1 Model;  and 3) the weight of the QTI1 Model was reduced by 20% and the weights of the QTI2 and QTI3 Models were each increased by 20%. 

The overall goal of these changes was to make the QTI less fixed income dependent and more balanced across sectors without changing the trading timeframe.  The average trade timeframe remains around 30 days.  The changes in model weights and the inclusion of currency trading in QTI1 Model, result in a decrease to 29% in the risk target level for fixed income from 36% and an increase in the risk target level for currencies to 20% from 12% previously.

About QTI

The QTI is designed to track generally the performance generated by the broad class of managed futures strategies employed by most trend-following CTA's and to match on a risk-adjusted basis the performance of well-know CTA indices.

Live trading of the QTI was commenced in August 2011 and the index methodology was back-tested to January 2000. Since November 2011, the QTI has been calculated by S&P Dow Jones Indices. "S&P Dow Jones Indices" is a service mark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC.

The QTI employs one of the major classes of trading strategies used by trend-following CTAs for almost 50 years. The QTI's systems generate signals on a daily basis diversified over three models: short-, medium- and long-term, and trade 47 different markets across four market sectors: commodities, equity indices, fixed income and foreign currencies.

About Quest Partners LLC

Quest Partners LLC was founded in 2001 by Nigol Koulajian and is a commodity trading advisor (CTA) and commodity pool operator (CPO) registered with the CFTC and the NFA.  The firm offers systematic futures and currency program trading in over 50 global markets. Quest's models use technical and fundamental inputs to identify trading opportunities and manage risk allocations on a continuous systematic basis. The models exploit market inefficiencies using trend following, mean reversion, carry and periodicity strategies. Quest advises both managed accounts and funds. Quest's offices are located at 126 East 56th St. NY, NY 10022. Web:


