NFL's Anquan Boldin, Florida Crystals Corp. Continue Successful Q81 Summer Enrichment Program in Communities

More than 160 Hours of Credit Recovery and Recreational Activities, All Free to High School Students

PAHOKEE, Fla., July 9, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Anquan Boldin Foundation (Q81 Foundation) and Florida Crystals Corporation begin week four of another successful year of the Q81 Summer Enrichment Program in the communities of Western Palm Beach County.

The program, now in its third year, offers high school students the opportunity to catch up academically through computer-based credit recovery courses at Everglades Preparatory Academy followed by daily recreational activities – all free for students.

"Last year, our results showed 30 students increased their GPAs through this program, while three student-athletes became eligible to play sports the fall term," said Super Bowl champion Anquan Boldin of the San Francisco 49ers and Founder of the Anquan Boldin Foundation.  "As a native of Pahokee, I'm excited that we're giving the community proven programs that are helping our youth."

More than 160 hours of activity are closely monitored by qualified instructors, designed to increase the students' grade point averages, while also creating unique recreational and motivational activities that most students have never experienced.  Following the morning classroom-based curriculum, each day includes either guest speakers, discussions incorporating local agency services and inspiring field trips that take the teenagers throughout the state of Florida.  Additionally, the students are provided with both breakfast and lunch through the Summer Food Service Program and Palm Beach County School District.

Organizations participating during the Q81 Summer Enrichment Program include BB &T Palm Beach, Palm Beach Sheriff Office, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Blossoming Beauties, WPEC-TV CBS12 News, Miami Dolphins, Teen Summit of Delray Beach, Port of Palm Beach and Florida Golf Coast.

"The results being achieved by this great summer program are inspiring to the students, parents, educators and those of us who are working to add value and new opportunities in the communities," said Pepe Fanjul, Jr., executive vice president of Florida Crystals.  "These students are our next leaders, so it's important to support their educational and growth experiences.  The feedback and appreciation we've received from them makes it all the more rewarding."

The collaboration between the Anquan Boldin Foundation and Florida Crystals, a multi-national sugar company based in Palm Beach County, was established in 2011 to support the educational and developmental programs for youth and families in western Palm Beach County, where the sugar company has a majority of its Florida operations.
About The Anquan Boldin Foundation

The Anquan Boldin Foundation aka Q81 Foundation, established in 2004, is dedicated to expanding the educational and life opportunities of underprivileged children.  As evidenced by the charitable activities in Arizona, Baltimore and Boldin's home state of Florida, the Q81 Foundation has a ten-year history of helping after-school programs.  The Foundation conducts an eight-week Q81 Summer Enrichment Program in partnership with Florida Crystals.  It also serves the community by awarding great scholastic and community achievement in youth. The Foundation conducts annual Thanksgiving and Holiday Shopping Sprees as well as collaborative efforts in supporting football camps and tournaments. For more information please visit ;
About Florida Crystals Corporation

Florida Crystals Corporation is a leading, fully integrated cane sugar company that farms 192,000 acres in Palm Beach County, Fla., where it also owns two sugar mills, a sugar refinery, a packaging and distribution center, a rice mill and the largest renewable power plant in North America.  Its renewable energy facility delivers clean power to its sugar operations and tens of thousands of homes.  Florida Crystals with its subsidiary ASR Group, the world's largest cane sugar refining company, has sugar operations in seven countries worldwide. Its products are marketed through its brand portfolio: Domino®, C &H®, Redpath®, Tate & Lyle®, Lyles®, Sidul® and Florida Crystals®.  Florida Crystals, a Fanjul Corp. company, is headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida.
About Everglades Preparatory Academy

Everglades Preparatory Academy is the first charter high school in the communities of western Palm Beach County.  The school was founded by Emilia Fanjul in 2002 to provide a meaningful alternative within the public school system.  Everglades Preparatory Academy's campus is located in Pahokee, Fla.

