Flex Fuel Technologies files Initial Registration Statement with Securities and Exchange Commission

Philadelphia, Aug. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are pleased to announce that our advisory client Flex Fuel Technologies Inc http://flexfueltech.com/has filed its Initial Registration Statement with the Securities and Exchange Commsission.

Chris Giordano Premiere's chairman stated "Flex Fuel Technologies, Inc., after several years of testing, has developed a " bolt on technology" that allows most four cylinder cars to run on both E85 (ethanol) as well as gasoline at a fraction of the cost that a buyer would pay at the OEM/Dealer level for the flex fuel option on a new vehicle.

Furthermore the conversion kit will be easy to install enabling it to be retrofitted by your local auto technician or an every day backyard mechanic.

Dupont is building the worlds largest biofuel facility in Nevada, Iowa for what they see as the they see coming demand in the biofuel market both here and abroad.

The market for the product in our opinion is the automotive aftermarket for 4 cylinder vehicles. The pre-owned automarket dwarfs the new car market exponentially and the 4 cylinder market represents over 51% of the total market for automobiles globally. This is the market that Flex Fuel will be addressing initally and for the forseeable future.

The in-house testing of the product has been extremely encouraging and the Company feels highly confident its results will hold up to EPA scrutiny. The product known as Flex Genie ™ will begin its EPA testing in the fall of this year and expect the testing to be completed by the end of Winter 2014.

If the results are as expected, Flex Fuel Technologies will begin the commercialization process of this breakthrough product immediately thereafter.

We are excited by the prospects for Flex Fuel Technologies and and eager to assist them with their upcoming strategic planning, marketing and commercial finance needs.

This marks the third client that we have assisted in the corporate planning and capital advisory arenaand we are extremely encouraged by the response we are receiving for our services in the Trident Merchant Group, Inc subsidiary.

There are are several other companies that we are in the very late stages of structuring agreements with in addition to others we have just started negotiations with. Each one of these client companies once public will strengthen both our Balance Sheet as well as P & L by virtue of their value in the public markets. Our equity stake in these companies will increase and leverage our abilities in the future and will also be distributed to our shareholders at the appropriate time as  "special dividends"

We look forward to the future for our advisory clients and shareholders with great optimism.


