Raupp Elementary School in Michigan Implements Fast ForWord Program as Part of Priority School Transformation Plan

Raupp School Aims to Improve Student Achievement by Incorporating the Fast ForWord Online Reading Intervention Into Daily Reading Activities in Kindergarten Through Fifth Grade

OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After being identified in the bottom five percent of Michigan's Top-to-Bottom ranking of schools and being named a Priority School, Raupp Elementary School launched a Transformation plan focused on rapid turnaround. As part of this plan, Raupp School will implement the Fast ForWord® online reading intervention with all students this fall. Developed by Scientific Learning Corp. (OTCQB:SCIL), the Fast ForWord program is used in schools across Michigan and the nation to help students raise their reading skill level up to two years in as little as three months.

At Raupp School, one of seven elementary schools in Lincoln Park Public Schools, 95 percent of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch. The school launched the Fast ForWord program with one class during the 2012-13 school year. This fall, all students in kindergarten through fifth grade will work on the program daily to build their reading skills and concurrently develop foundational cognitive skills such as memory, attention, processing, and sequencing.

"The Fast ForWord program will blend right in with our Daily Five activities in guided reading," said Daphne Springer, principal of Raupp School. "Our goals with Fast ForWord are to increase students' comprehension and build their cognitive skills, which will help them overall in their learning."

About Scientific Learning Corp.

We accelerate learning by applying proven research on how the brain learns. Scientific Learning's results are demonstrated in over 270 research studies and protected by over 55 patents. Learners can realize achievement gains of up to two years in as little as three months and maintain an accelerated rate of learning even after the programs end.

Today, more than 2.2 million learners have used Scientific Learning software products. We provide our offerings directly to parents, K–12 schools and learning centers, and in more than 45 countries around the world. For more information, visit http://www.scilearn.com or call toll-free 888-810-0250.

