Buyside Manager Adopts OMEX Systems' Execution Platform

$850mil AUM Portfolio Strategy Firm Opts for OMEX Hands-Free, Multi-Custodian Order Routing

NEW YORK, Aug. 7, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OMEX Systems LLC, the provider of broker-neutral DMA and OEMS technology for firms active in the equities, options and futures markets, announced that a customized version of the vendor's OEMS platform has been implemented by Durango, CO-based Swan Wealth Advisors, the $850mil AUM risk management firm specializing in proprietary, market neutral hedging and income strategies for use by the professional investment advisor community. The OMEX trade execution platform will serve as Swan's primary hub for implementing and administering the firm's options-centric strategies across multiple custodians and thousands of sub accounts.

In framing the solution that OMEX provided to its most recent buy-side onboard, Robert Swan, Director of Trading and Technology for 16-year old Swan Wealth Advisors stated, "Like other managers with similar profiles, we've had to bear a myriad of logistical burdens when implementing strategies in tandem across a universe of accounts domiciled at multiple custodians, with each custodian imposing different order delivery instructions for its captive clients. OMEX proved uniquely intuitive in understanding our business and delivered a solution that has streamlined our workflow in a manner that had yet been available at any price from any other vendor in the industry."

Noted OMEX Systems' Chief Operating Officer John Houlahan, "The steps required for electronic messaging pro-rata orders across various captive-custodians on behalf of respective RIA clients' sub-accounts has always proved cumbersome, particularly in the options arena. The folks at Swan inspired us to innovate with an approach that solves a critical business need, and one that should prove intriguing to those seeking the latest advancements in trading system technologies."

About OMEX Systems, LLC

Established in 2008 and based in the heart of Wall Street, OMEX Systems LLC provides broker-neutral and fault-tolerant DMA order routing and management, back-office administration, portfolio analytics and execution analysis for stocks, options and futures. OMEX supports a full menu of algorithms; connects to global electronic marketplaces, major custodians and leading trade clearing firms; and delivers cost-effective, all-in-one solutions that mitigate the need to maintain and administer an assortment of mission critical technology applications by those operating securities trading-related enterprises. More about OMEX Systems is at

About Swan Wealth Advisors, Inc.

Swan Wealth Advisors is an independent Investment Advisory company headquartered in Durango, CO. Swan is registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. Swan offers and manages The Defined Risk Strategy for its clients including individuals, institutions and other investment advisor firms. There are three Defined Risk Strategy composites offered: 1) The Defined Risk Strategy Composite which includes all accounts. 2) The Defined Risk Strategy IRA Composite which includes all IRA assets under management. 3) The Defined Risk Strategy Select Composite which includes all non-IRA accounts.  Additional information regarding Swan's policies and procedures is available upon request.


