CHICAGO, Aug. 27, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CITYTECH, featured Adobe partner and leader in Adobe AEM (CQ) enterprise application implementation, recently made another contribution to the open source community. In addition to the already popular open source contributions of the Adobe AEM (CQ) Groovy Console, OSGi Bundle Status Maven Plugin and the OSGI Service Monitor, today, CITYTECH is contributing the CQ Component Maven Plugin that automates the generation of CQ component dialogs.
The CQ Component Maven Plugin removes the need for developers to have to manually code complex XML configuration files that define the component metadata. This configuration process is very error prone, which often results in inconsistencies and bugs that slow the delivery of Adobe AEM (CQ)-based solutions. The CITYTECH-developed CQ Component Maven Plugin dynamically generates these XML files based on Java Annotations- which is much simpler and abstracts away the developer's need to understand the syntax of the XML-based configuration files. Creator and Sr. Developer Paul Michelotti explains, "As I would copy the XML files from one component to another, the fact that most of the information contained in the files already existed in the component's backing Java Class would pester me. We found this to be common among CQ developers and we wanted to solve it. Furthermore, we want the development community to be spending time solving interesting problems, not tweaking XML configuration files."
This is a sentiment we, as a company, wholeheartedly agree with, as do our clients. "In our experience, the assets CITYTECH releases to the Open Source community provide substantive ROI and every developer should consider adding them to the tool belt," says Bill Engels, Graco, Inc. CITYTECH's goal for the CQ Component Maven Plugin and all of our past and future contributions to open source development is to free ourselves to work on making other processes just as efficient.
"In more than eight years of working with the Adobe CQ platform, we have learned the ins and outs of the required development patterns, frameworks, and platform. Our goal is to spend our time on high-value features for our clients, and our team has evolved several frameworks and utilities that allow us to be the utmost efficient with our development process," says Matt Van Bergen, CITYTECH CTO. "The CQ Component Maven Plugin allows the CQ component metadata to be described in code and generated on the fly during the build process. We hope that the Adobe CQ development community leverages our innovations and helps mature them so we all can focus on the high-value development efforts, like shortening the time to market and allowing the Adobe CQ platform to continue to evolve as a cornerstone of an enterprise's technology stack."
When discussing why releases like these are so important, Technical Architect Mark Daugherty explains, "The open source model allows CITYTECH to offer tools and methodologies that have proven successful for us while also encouraging feedback and contributions from the CQ5 community." CITYECH is looking to spark conversation and evolution around the work we do and platforms we use. Keep up to date on CITYTECH's open source contributions by visiting our Open Source Project Summary on our website here
CITYTECH, Inc. is a global IT consulting firm specializing in enterprise application development, implementation, web experience management, e-commerce, mobile application development, cloud enablement, and managed services. We deliver integrated enterprise solutions and provide professional services from offices in North America, India and Australia. We are recognized as an Adobe Business Level Solution Partner, one of 15 Amazon Web Services Premier Consulting Partners globally, and a Red Hat North American Commercial Middleware Partner of the Year. For more information about CITYTECH visit | | | 312-673-6433.
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