1&1 Now Registrar for New Top Level Domains

1&1 Internet signed ICANN's Registrar Accreditation Agreement. 700 new domain suffixes. Start of domain allocation expected as early as October. Secure your new Internet address now.

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 4, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 1 &1 Internet, Inc., www.1and1.com">www.1and1.com, a global leader among Web hosting providers, has signed the ICANN's Registrar Accreditation Agreement. The organization is responsible for the global Internet address allocation of new Top Level Domains. As a result, 1 &1 will be able to offer more than 700 new endings as Internet addresses in the future.

From October, the new domains will offer companies and individuals alike new ways to be found more easily on the Web. Besides regional suffixes like .nyc or .boston, terms like .web or .mail will be available for general use. Small businesses can indicate the nature of their website with words like .shop or .blog. Similarly, descriptive names like .car or .restaurant will lead additional visitors to the Internet presence.

"The new Top Level Domains will play a decisive role for future success on the Web," says Robert Hoffmann, CEO Hosting, 1 &1 Internet. "A good domain must stand out and be easy for customers to remember. Search engines like Google are also optimized to display the most relevant results prominently. Special domains will have a strong influence on the listing of results and so ultimately on the commercial success of the business," continues Hoffmann.

Customers who have not managed to obtain sufficient domain names with the appropriate .com, now have a chance to catch up. "But also those who already have a good address should protect their name in all possible variations before a competitor makes the move," Hoffmann recommends.

With the integrated forwarding function, all domains newly registered with 1 &1 can simply be forwarded to already existing Web pages, regardless of the provider hosting them at the moment.

Which new domain suffixes may suit your own business can be checked today at www.1and1.com/new-top-level-domains">http://www.1and1.com/new-top-level-domains. The 1 &1 domain portal suggests Internet addresses relevant for the particular business area or the individual field of interest. Furthermore, new Top Level Domains can be reserved directly and without cost. As soon as the chosen domain suffixes become available, 1 &1 will inform customers automatically. In the pricing, customers benefit from the economies of scale from one of the world's leading hosting providers.

Further information at www.1and1.com/new-top-level-domains">www.1and1.com/new-top-level-domains.

About 1 &1 Internet Inc.:

1 &1 Internet Inc. is a subsidiary of United Internet, a profitable public company with a market cap of more than $5 billion. Founded in 1988, 1 &1's global community is over 12 million customer contracts strong. 1 &1 Group manages more than 19 million domain names worldwide. More than 70,000 servers run in 1 &1's five state-of-the-art, green data centers. The company's U.S. headquarters is located in Chesterbrook, Pa. For more information, visit www.1and1.com">www.1and1.com or contact the company at 1-877-GO-1AND1, on Facebook, or www.twitter.com/1and1">www.twitter.com/1and1.



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