Chiropractor in Medford Announces Success Treating Disc Herniations With Alternative, Natural Care

MEDFORD, N.Y., Sept. 8, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Medford chiropractor Dr. Todd Goldman announced that he has had significant success using chiropractic care to treat disc herniations. This medical condition occurs when one of the rubbery cushions separating the vertebrae slips out of alignment. The misalignment may be caused by a traumatic injury, a slip and fall, or natural wear and tear. Once a misalignment occurs, the herniated disc may compress nearby nerves, triggering pain. According to Dr. Goldman, chiropractic care is an effective pain management technique because adjustments bring proper alignment back to the spine, relieving pressure on the nerves caused by the herniated disc.

A majority of Americans will experience a period of chronic back pain at least some point in their lives. If this back pain is caused by disc herniations, Medford chiropractor Dr. Todd Goldman says that chiropractic care is an effective alternative to drugs and surgery.

"Chiropractic care directly treats the herniated disc, which for many patients is the underlying cause for chronic back pain," said Dr. Goldman. "Through my years of practice, I find this is far more effective than relying on medication to mask these symptoms or placing a patient's health at risk with surgery."

According to Dr. Goldman, natural aging typically causes disc herniations. The body's gradual aging process wears away at the disc. At the same time, the discs naturally lose some of their water content due to aging. This combination of wear and tear increases the risk for a herniated disc as individuals' age.

In some cases, a traumatic accident injury, such as a slip and fall or improperly lifting a heavy object, causes the herniated disc.

"Imagine that your spinal disc is like a jelly donut," said Dr. Goldman. "A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner casing slips through the outer casing, just like the inside of a jelly donut protruding through the donut's exterior. Once this herniation occurs, the disc may irritate nearby nerves and trigger intense pain."

In addition to chronic back pain, symptoms of a herniated disc include mild tingling or numbness, weakness, and arm or leg pain. For example, if the herniated disc is in a patient's lower back, the most intense pain is typically experienced in the buttocks, thigh and legs. If the herniated disc is in the upper spine, pain may be experienced in the shoulders and arms.

Depending on the extent of injury, the pain may be a shooting or numbing sensation, along with tingling and general weakness.

"A full diagnostic evaluation is the best way to determine the cause for a patient's pain and create an appropriate treatment plan," said Dr. Goldman.

Individuals may learn more about disc herniations at

