La Part des Anges - Cognac's Expertise and Generosity

8th Annual Charity Auction of Exceptional Cognacs - Evening of September 19, 2013 at the Chateau de Brillac in Foussignac (Charente-France)

NEW YORK, N.Y., Sept. 9, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 2013 "La Part des Anges" charity auction of outstanding and unique Cognacs will take place the evening of Thursday, September 19 at the Chateau de Brillac in Foussignac (Charente - France). This will be the eighth anniversary of the event.

Cognac's wine merchants, vine growers, coopers, and crystal masters will come together to celebrate their unique local expertise and to raise money for two special charities.

The auction's lots are a true reflection of the Art of the region of Cognac: the 26 sublime bottles containing the rare eaux-de-vies created by the cellar masters of the donating Cognac houses represent a collection of haute couture and the auction will conclude with a masterpiece by local Cognac artist, Julien Drevelle, whose works of art have already become well known among art collectors.

The dinner to be served at the Gala will certainly be exceptional. The talented resident chefs of some of the Cognac houses will join forces to create a menu of dishes that will all be prepared with local products.  Cognac, well known as one of France's gastronomic centers, will prove this point by highlighting all of its spectacular flavors.

The proceeds of the auction will be split amongst the following two charities: the French Red Cross at the national level and the local association L'Arche de Cognac, which supports people with disabilities.
For the official catalogue of 2013 La Part des Anges, click here.

For the video of 2012 La Part des Anges, click here.

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