BWise to Host Roundtables With Clients on Value of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

NEW YORK and DEN BOSCH, Netherlands, Sept. 10, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BWise, a NASDAQ OMX company and a global leader in Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) software, today announced that it is hosting roundtables in New York City and Chicago on the inherent value of Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) for the enterprise. Attendees include business leaders in audit, risk, compliance and finance in cooperation with BWise clients and PwC US. The roundtables will offer insight on leading practices and knowledge on enterprise GRC.

On Tuesday, September 10, 2013, BWise will host a Roundtable discussion for officers and decision makers from large complex enterprises in the New York City area. Peter Juhlin, Vice President, Head of Global Risk Management, NASDAQ OMX is the featured speaker at the roundtable. BWise, PwC and NASDAQ OMX will elicit discussion and opinions, share leading practices and case studies on Enterprise Governance Risk Management and Compliance (eGRC) and provide input from leading consultants to the business community. Other speakers at the Roundtable will include Rob van Straten, Senior Vice President, BWise and Joseph DeVita, partner, PwC.

BWise will host the next roundtable on September 11, 2013 in the series in Chicago with its client McDonald's. Michael Eraci, Corporate Vice President, Internal Audit and Controls at McDonald's will join Mr. van Straten and Mr. DeVita for the Chicago Roundtable, which will also provide advice, leading practices and case studies on eGRC for the business community.

"As BWise grows and emerges as the eGRC software solution of choice among large multifaceted businesses, it is working with more and more clients in the United States," said Robert Pijselman, CEO, BWise. "Together with PwC, we are collaborating on GRC-related projects for our mutual clients, and helping to ensure high quality implementations of our GRC software. It only seemed natural to share our best practices and experiences with a broader group of clients and more businesses in a roundtable setting."

"GRC is a growing initiative at many enterprises around the world," said Joe DeVita, Partner, GRC Technology Leader, PwC. "As more of those organizations determine and make a commitment to making a GRC journey, more knowledge and collaboration is needed across departments at the business, and among businesses in general. The teams at BWise have been great colleagues in our cooperative projects at clients. Working together on a roundtable to share more knowledge and leading practices with clients will benefit all involved."

BWise has hosted several roundtable discussions in cooperation with its clients and partners in Seattle and Minneapolis. More details on these discussions are available on the BWise website,

About BWise

BWise, a NASDAQ OMX company, is a global leader in Enterprise Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) software. Based on a strong heritage in business process management, the BWise® GRC platform provides companies with highly-rated, proven software solutions for Risk Management, Internal Control, Internal Audit, Compliance & Policy Management, IT GRC and Sustainability Performance Management.

BWise's end-to-end solutions support an organization's ability to understand, track, measure, and manage key organizational risks. BWise helps companies truly be in control by balancing performance with their financial and reputational risks, improving corporate accountability, increasing financial, strategic and operating efficiencies. Using BWise, organizations are able to efficiently comply with anti-corruption regulations like FCPA and the UK Bribery Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, European Corporate Governance Codes, ISAE3402/SAS-70, PCI-DSS, Solvency II, Basel II and III, Dodd-Frank, ISO-standards, and many more.

BWise sales, service and support offices around the globe provide for the GRC needs of hundreds of clients, including: adidas, AEGON, Ahold, AngloGold Ashanti, Connexxion, Health Alliance Plan (HAP) of Michigan, LeapFrog, Liebherr, Marathon Oil, Southern Company, Swiss Life, and Transcontinental. For more information, visit


