REISA Submits Comments to the SEC Regarding Proposed Amendments to Regulation D, Form D and Rule 156

INDIANAPOLIS, Sept. 27, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- REISA (Real Estate and Investment Securities Association), the nation's leading trade association serving the alternative investment and securities industry, has submitted a letter to the SEC in response to a request for comments to its proposed amendments to Regulation D, Form D and Rule 156 under the Securities Act of 1933.

Comments from REISA address: advance Form D filing; Form D amendments; changes to Form D; penalties for failure to comply with Form D filings; and accredited investor standards.

The response letter was prepared by REISA's Drafting Task Force, chaired by Darryl Steinhause of DLA Piper and vetted by REISA's Legislative and Regulatory Committee, co-chaired by Deborah Froling of Arent Fox and John Grady of Realty Capital Securities. The process was overseen by REISA's Board of Directors and the letter was signed by REISA President Michael Weil of American Realty Capital.

The letter can be read in its entirety online at

About REISA—The Real Estate and Investment Securities Association is a national trade association serving alternative investment and securities industry professionals who are active in offering, managing and distributing private and public direct investments. REISA connects members directly to key industry experts through intimate forums and leading edge conferences and trade shows providing timely trends and education. The association was founded in 2003 and has more than 1,500 members who are key decision makers that represent over 30,000 professionals throughout the nation. REISA works to maintain the integrity and reputation of the industry by promoting the highest ethical standards and providing education, networking opportunities and resources to its members.

