Rep. Robert Goodlatte (R-Va.) Recognized as the 2014 TechVoice Champion

Policymaker Honored for Championing Technology Policies

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CompTIA and TECNA, through their TechVoice partnership, is honoring Rep. Robert Goodlatte (R-Va.) with the 2014 TechVoice Champion Award.

The TechVoice Champion Award recognizes individuals who exemplify leadership in the technology sector and have championed policies that advance the country's information technology (IT) industry and understand that the health of small and medium-sized (SMB) technology firms are the backbone of our nation's economy.

The 2014 TechVoice Champion Award will be presented to Rep. Goodlatte at the TechVoice Champion Awards Dinner in conjunction with the TechVoice D.C. Fly-In on February 11. The fly-in allows U.S. business leaders in the technology sector to meet face-to-face with Congressional representatives on Capitol Hill and other key policymakers in Washington.

"This year, we've seen many policy issues on the table that will affect the IT industry including tax reform, immigration reform, patent reform and cybersecurity," said Elizabeth Hyman, vice president, public advocacy, CompTIA. "We recognize Rep. Robert Goodlatte as a key thought-leader on many of these important legislative issues. He has made key strides forward to impact these issues which ultimately effect job growth, innovation and global competitiveness."

Rep. Goodlatte has a long and distinguished history of leading on technology issues. He is co-chair of the Congressional Internet Caucus and chairman of the Republican Technology Working Group, and is widely recognized among the Republican Conference as a leading architect of their technology agenda. As chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, he has been a leader on an array of important issues to the technology community, including high-skilled immigration, patent reform, data security, the internet tax moratorium and access to broadband.

"I am honored to receive the 2014 TechVoice Champion Award.  In order for America to remain globally competitive, our technology industries must not only succeed in the near-term, but continue to innovate for the long-term. Our U.S. small and medium-sized businesses are not only competing with their industry colleagues domestically, but also with businesses on the other side of the world," said Rep. Goodlatte. "On behalf of these innovators, I have dedicated much of my elected career to focusing on issues that help to expand our technology footprint – through STEM education, Internet freedom, broadband deployment, modernized patent laws and pro-growth tax and immigration policies. Many of these policy battles continue and I look forward to working with the leaders of TechVoice to find solutions that will help our economy grow and keep our country globally competitive."

"As various policy debates unfold in Washington, D.C, we are grateful to a strong legislative champion like Rep. Goodlatte. He not only champions policies that support the SMB tech entrepreneur but helps to prioritize policies that support growth and innovation in the technology sector," added Hyman.

For more information on the 2014 TechVoice Champion Awards and the TechVoice D.C. Fly-In, visit

