Put an End To Chronic Throat Clearing

Can't stop clearing your throat? Chicago breathing expert, Brian Rotskoff, MD, knows why - and how to stop it

Chicago, IL, Nov. 25, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Just talking about throat clearing makes you want to do it. But for some, throat clearing is much more than a bad habit; it's a chronic condition that requires treatment. Simply put, chronic throat clearing is the repetitive urge to rid the throat of an irritant. Most chronic throat clearers have no idea why they do it or when it began, but those around them know one thing for sure: it's constant and it needs to stop.


Chicago allergy and breathing expert, Brian Rotskoff, MD, has spent many years researching the complexities of chronic throat irritations and is one of very few throat clearing and chronic cough experts. Each week, new patients travel several hours - sometimes as many as six - to his Chicago offices, seeking throat-clearing remedies.

"Throat clearing isn't typically painful," explained Dr. Rotskoff. "But what seems like a simple act, can be very damaging to the throat, not to mention the sanity of those around you."

Ironically, the urge to clear one's throat is a reflex designed to help the throat by ridding airways of phlegm and other irritants. But a constant cycle of throat clearing does more harm than good. Like a chronic cough, throat clearing causes inflammation and nerve damage, both of which spark the desire to clear one's throat and fuel the damaging cycle.

"Throat clearing may start as a minor habit, but it becomes something that requires treatment to break. Often there's real damage to the throat and vocal cords that must be addressed," clarified Dr. Rotskoff.

What causes chronic throat clearing?

At onset, throat clearing can be caused by a wide range of physical conditions. Anything from stomach acid to chronic sinus infections to anatomical issues or intricate neuropathies may be to blame. Isolating the origin can be very complex, compounded by the fact that patients usually have a great deal of inflammation and damage by the time they seek treatment.

"Throat clearing patients are very frustrated when I see them. They've consumed their weight in throat lozenges and despite repeated trips to their primary physician, there's just no relief," explained Dr. Rotskoff. "We've had tremendous success helping patients overcome this issue."

Ready for throat clearing relief?

Dr. Rotskoff urges patients to seek diagnosis and proper treatment; without them, patients can severely and permanently damage their vocal cords and the nerves of the throat.

Stop clearing your throat and start clearing your calendar. An appointment with throat clearing and rehabilitation expert, Brian Rotskoff, MD, is a small step that can yield a big improvement.

