Marble Security Labs Alerts Enterprises to Newest Mobile Security Threat, Jailbreak Jammers

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Dec. 10, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marble Security Labs is issuing a mobile security alert to enterprises warning of an insidious threat called "Jailbreak Jammers." The threat is introduced by the organization's own employees who jailbreak their phones, then download a jammer app to cover their tracks so they can still access the company's network.

The risks of Jammers affect any enterprises that allow employees or customers to access their systems from mobile devices such as iPhones, iPads and Android smartphones or tablets.

"This is a significant risk to the enterprise, especially those allowing BYOD, because experience shows us that even just one compromised device can eventually lead to a massive breach," said Marble Security Founder and CTO David Jevans. "Jailbreak Jammers are evolving like crazy. It is a great example of why you need a mobile security lab to make a mobile security platform effective."

Marble discovered this new category of malicious code as part of its labs' ongoing program of scanning mobile apps for new threats.

While end users may jailbreak a device in order to access free apps or content, network security teams understand that jailbroken iPhones and iPads, and rooted Android devices, pose a huge threat to organizations.  In fact, jailbroken or rooted devices have virtually zero security, allowing hackers to gain access to company data, emails, passwords and address books.

Many organizations have installed mobile device management (MDM) solutions to help detect jailbroken or rooted devices and prevent them from coming onto the network. Now, however, some people who have their jailbroken devices blocked from network access are downloading and applying jammers to defeat MDM jailbreak detection. Plain old MDM products, however, lack mobile security research labs, fail to detect jammers and, in fact, grant the jailbroken or rooted devices full connectivity privileges.

Research from the labs supports the Marble mobile security platform, a next generation cloud service that combines advanced mobile security management (MSM) functionality with essential mobile app management (MAM) and MDM capabilities. It includes advanced features like app scanning, secure browsing and real-time cyberthreat protection. More information about Marble mobile security platform is available at or by calling (408) 737-4300.

About Marble Security Labs

Marble Security Labs dedicates resources to discover and track rapidly evolving mobile security threats facing enterprises and their workers. The research supports the Marble mobile security platform, which actively scans mobile devices and has built-in dynamic security analysis, detection and prevention against mobile security threats. Marble Security Labs currently focus on five critical threats: jailbreak/jammer - detection and protection; dynamic app analysis of behavior; static app analysis; poisoned and malicious DNS; and phishing site detection. Resources from Marble Security Labs include podcasts on mobile security, the Marble Security blog and Marble ThreatWatch, delivering the latest news, commentary and strategies for mobile security.

About Marble Security

Marble Security, Inc. offers a mobile security cloud service that protects against the ever-changing threats unleashed into enterprises by mobile devices. Simple to use and deploy, the Marble cloud service includes patented, adaptive protection to eliminate risks to corporate data, networks and applications. Criminals, competitors and hostile governments target enterprises and end users with an ever more sophisticated array of attacks. The BYOD workforce is particularly at risk. Marble secures enterprises from mobile workers' access to corporate and public networks and cloud services on Android and iOS mobile devices, as well as Macs and Windows PCs, and offers more comprehensive protection than any other solution on the market.

