Save Money and Energy During the Holidays

PHOENIX, Dec. 16, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The holiday season creates an opportunity for greater consumer awareness of easy and inexpensive ways to save energy and money, according to the Association of Energy Services Professionals.

"Save money on your energy bill, and have more to either save or spend on your loved ones this season," said Meg Matt, President and CEO of AESP. "It's not very difficult to make these changes, nor do they require a big investment. For example, if you invest about $500, you can save as much as $1,800 a year on your utility bill."

AESP Holiday Energy Savings Tips:

  • Reduce "vampire or standby energy." Devices that are left plugged in but are not being used simply waste energy. Think cell phones, chargers, video games, DVD players, computer printers, speakers, cable boxes.
    Tip: purchase a smart power strip or device that automatically reduces the energy being used when items are plugged in and not being used.
  • Switch out your incandescent bulbs to more efficient ones.
    Tip: Switch to CFLs or LEDs instead. They will cost more per bulb, but they will more than pay for themselves over their lifetime and the lighting quality is good. LED holiday lights are available too!
  • Check your water heater setting. You may be wasting energy heating water more than necessary.
    Tip: Purchase a $3 hot water gauge and run your hot tap water over it. If it measures more than 130˚ F, you can safely turn your setting lower by 10 degrees and not sacrifice comfort.
  • Manage your heating and cooling remotely.  If you're spending a few days out of town over the holidays, you don't need to keep your house warm the entire time.
    Tip: Install a smart thermostat. These can be programmed remotely from a smart phone or tablet. Used correctly, these can save you up to one-third of your home's heating and cooling costs.
  • Stop wasting hot water by letting the water run until it gets hot.
    Tip: Buy a showerhead that senses when the water is hot and slows the flow to a trickle until you are ready to get in. Brush your teeth, make some coffee, and don't worry that hot water – and your money -- is going down the drain.

The Association of Energy Services Professionals ( provides professional development programs, a network of energy practitioners, and promotes the transfer of knowledge and experience. Our members work in the energy services industry and represent electric and natural gas utilities, public benefits associations, regulatory and nonprofit entities, vendors, manufacturers and consulting firms. Founded in 1989, AESP is a member-based association dedicated to improving the delivery and implementation of energy efficiency, energy management and distributed renewable resources.


