Tranzlogic CEO to Share Insights on Data Analytics at Upcoming Industry Events

Charles Hogan Scheduled to Speak at the 2014 Mobile Payments Conference and Merchant Advisory Group (MAG) 2014 Mid-Year Conference

WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., Jan. 22, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With technology playing an increasingly critical role in the payment processing industry, Charles Hogan, CEO of technology company Tranzlogic (, will be presenting his assessment of this new reality at two major industry events in the early part of this year: the 2014 Mobile Payments Conference and the Merchant Advisory Group (MAG) 2014 Mid-Year Conference. Through panel discussions and featured speaker presentations, Hogan will examine the opportunities available to both merchants and payment processors to integrate transactional analytics and position themselves with an important competitive edge.

At the Mobile Payments Conference, Hogan will participate in a panel discussion, "Integrating Analytics into M-Commerce: What's Involved? What's the Pay-off?" The conference, which is one of the largest in the nation to focus on mobile technology in the payments industry, will be held January 29-30 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. The panel discussion will take place on January 29 at 11:35 a.m.

Next, Hogan will be a featured speaker at the MAG 2014 Mid-Year Conference. His presentation, "Big Data: What your credit card processing company should be telling you about your customers," will discuss how transactional analytics can provide merchants with invaluable insights into their customers. The MAG conference this year is dedicated to the topic of emerging technology in payments and will be held February 11-13 at the Renaissance Concourse in Atlanta, Georgia. Hogan will speak on February 12 at 3:20 p.m.

"I'm thrilled and honored to speak at these two important events in our industry," said Hogan. "With today's volatile and highly competitive market, merchants need to leverage every opportunity they can to learn as much as possible about their customers. These insights can not only drive smarter and more effective business decisions, they can completely transform the way businesses are managed."

To learn more about Tranzlogic, visit To learn more about the 2014 Mobile Payments Conference, visit To learn more about the MAG 2014 Mid-Year Conference, call 952-928-4648.

About Tranzlogic

Tranzlogic is a first-of-its-kind technology firm based in Westlake Village, California and founded by experts in the payments industry. The company's proprietary process lets merchants harness the power of their credit card transaction data to identify, find and keep more of their best customers based on demographic, economic, psychographic and geographic patterns. This revolutionary technology also transforms the relationship between payment service providers and merchants to a value-added partnership – empowering both merchants and payment service providers to grow revenue and strengthen their businesses.

