Fantini Research National Revenue Report 2013 Summary

2013 Was as Flat as a Pancake, Except...

DOVER, Del., Feb. 12, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gaming revenues in the United States last year were about as flat as can be – just a 0.02 percent rise to $39.745 million at commercial casinos and those Indian casinos that report revenues publicly, according to Fantini's National Revenue Report.

"The good news is that, as small as growth might have been, it was the fourth straight yearly improvement since revenues hit bottom in 2009 at $36.064 billion," Publisher Frank Fantini said.

"But the new reality of the gaming industry – or at least what has been the reality in recent years – is that more markets are becoming saturated and new competitors are increasingly cannibalizing their neighbors rather than growing the pie," Fantini added.

The simple same-store statistic tells that story – down 3.1 percent last year, he said.

According to the 100-page annual compilation and analysis, thirteen of 25 reporting jurisdictions suffered revenue declines.

However, there were glimmers of hope late in the year as revenues rose in three of the final four months. Only weather-wracked December fell off the track.

Another glimmer was Las Vegas where Strip grew a healthy 4.84 percent. Even the locals market was strong by year-end, growing in three of the year's final four months.

More insight and detailed revenue statistics are available in the report, which can be obtained by calling Mike Pelrine toll-free at 1-866-683-4357 or writing to

Fantini's National Revenue Report is published by Fantini Research, whose Fantini's Gaming Report is the global leader in providing daily news and analysis to institutional investors and corporate level executives in the gaming industry.

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