Nearly 90 Oil, Gas, Transportation Companies Presenting at the 2014 CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - April 1, 2014) - Senior executives from about 90 oil and natural gas companies, major pipeline and service companies, along with hundreds of institutional investors from across North America, Europe and Asia will be in Toronto April 3 and 4 for the 2014 CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium.

Investor presentations will be complemented by panel discussions with provincial energy ministers, transportation company executives, LNG proponents and a keynote address by federal Minister of Transport Lisa Raitt.

"The 2014 CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium is a key forum for oil and natural gas producers, transportation companies and investors to explore investment opportunities presented by our growing industry," said CAPP president Dave Collyer. "It is also an opportunity to discuss the significant impact investment by our industry has on economic growth and job creation across the country. The CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium will highlight industry's plans to ensure competitiveness and social licence, and our efforts to grow markets for Canada's significant oil and natural gas resources."

CAPP will host the investment symposium in Toronto for the second time in the event's 24-year history.

With the third-largest oil reserves in the world and significant natural gas assets, Canada is consistently ranked among the top 10 global energy producers. Only about 20 per cent of total global oil reserves are fully accessible for private-sector investment, over half of which are found in Canada's oil sands. The oil and natural gas industry accounts for about 20 per cent of the value of the Toronto Stock Exchange and is the largest private sector investor in the country with capital spending consistently in the range of $60 billion to $70 billion a year.

The symposium features investor presentations from a broad range of large- to small-capitalized companies involved in all types of industry activity, including oil sands, tight oil and natural gas development, oilfield services, as well as pipeline and rail transportation.

As of today, presenting companies include:

Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. Manitok Energy Inc.
Africa Oil Corp. NuVista Energy Ltd.
AltaGas Ltd. Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.
ARC Resources Ltd. Painted Pony Petroleum Ltd.
Arcan Resources Ltd. Parallel Energy Trust
Argent Energy Trust Paramount Resources Ltd.
Bankers Petroleum Ltd. Parex Resources Inc.
Baytex Energy Corp. Pembina Pipeline Corp.
Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. Pengrowth Energy Corp.
Birchcliff Energy Ltd. Perpetual Energy Inc.
Black Diamond Group Ltd. Petrobank Energy & Resources Ltd.
BlackPearl Resources Inc. Petronas (Progress Energy Canada)
Bonavista Energy Corp. Peyto Exploration and Development Corp.
Calfrac Well Services Ltd. PHX Energy Services Corp.
Canadian Energy Services & Technology Corp. Questerre Energy Corp.
Canadian Natural Resources Limited Railway Association of Canada
Canadian Oil Sands Ltd. Raging River Exploration Inc.
CanElson Drilling Inc. RMP Energy Inc.
Cenovus Energy Inc. Rock Energy Inc.
Cequence Energy Ltd. Savanna Energy Services
Crescent Point Energy Corp. Seven Generations Energy Ltd.
Crew Energy Inc. Sinopec Canada
Crocotta Energy Inc. Spartan Energy Corp.
Delphi Energy Corp. Suncor Energy Inc.
Devon Energy Corp. Surge Energy Inc.
Eagle Energy Trust Talisman Energy Inc.
Enbridge Inc. Tamarack Valley Energy Ltd.
Encana Corp. Tangle Creek Energy Ltd.
Enerflex Ltd. TAQA North
Enerplus Corp. Teine Energy Ltd.
Freehold Royalties Ltd. TORC Oil & Gas Ltd.
Gibson Energy Inc. Total Energy Services Inc.
Gran Tierra Energy Inc. TransCanada Corp.
Horizon North Logistics Trican Well Service Ltd.
Husky Energy Inc. Trilogy Energy Corp.
Irving Oil Trinidad Drilling Ltd.
Ivanhoe Energy Twin Butte Energy Ltd.
Kelt Exploration U.S. Oil Sands Inc.
Keyera Corp. Veresen Inc.
Kinder Morgan Vermilion Energy Inc.
KNOC WesternZagros Resources Ltd.
Legacy Oil & Gas Inc. Whitecap Resources Inc.
Lightstream Resources Ltd. Zargon Oil and Gas Ltd.
Long Run Exploration Ltd.

In addition to specific company insights, the CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium will provide wider policy and market access discussion with expert panels and keynote speeches.

2014 CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium Highlights:

  • Provincial Energy Ministers' Panel - Minister Diana McQueen (AB), Minister Bob Chiarelli (ON), Minister Tim McMillan (SK)
  • Transportation Panel - Enbridge, Kinder Morgan, Railway Association of Canada, TransCanada
  • Keynote Speaker - The Honourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport
  • West Coast LNG Panel - Calfrac Well Services, Horizon North Logistics, Petronas (Progress Energy Canada)

Full details of the 2014 CAPP Scotiabank Investment Symposium are available at

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) represents companies, large and small, that explore for, develop and produce natural gas and crude oil throughout Canada. CAPP's member companies produce about 90 per cent of Canada's natural gas and crude oil. CAPP's associate members provide a wide range of services that support the upstream crude oil and natural gas industry. Together CAPP's members and associate members are an important part of a national industry with revenues of about $110 billion a year. CAPP's mission is to enhance the economic sustainability of the Canadian upstream petroleum industry in a safe and environmentally and socially responsible manner, through constructive engagement and communication with governments, the public and stakeholders in the communities in which we operate.

Contact Information:

Geraldine Anderson
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
(P): 403-267-1151
(M): 403-542-4115