Comverge DirectLink Solutions Receive 2014 Smart Grid Product of the Year Award

NORCROSS, Ga., June 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Comverge, Inc., the leading provider of Intelligent Energy Management solutions, announced today that its DirectLink product suite has received a 2014 Smart Grid Product of the Year Award from, a TMC and Crossfire Media sponsored technology media website. Designed to make implementing demand response programs with two-way communications significantly more cost effective, the Comverge IntelliTEMP DirectLink smart thermostats and IntelliPEAK DirectLink control switches use IP-based communications to enable a two-way information exchange without the need of a gateway. When used in conjunction with Comverge IntelliSOURCE software, the DirectLink devices enable simultaneous, "always-on" connections with hundreds of thousands of endpoints, thereby increasing the reliability, predictability and availability of demand response resources.

"It is my pleasure to recognize Comverge with a Smart Grid Product of the Year Award for its contribution to the advancement of smart grid technologies," said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. "I look forward to seeing more innovation from Comverge in the coming year."

"The solutions that have been selected for the 2014 Smart Grid Product of the Year Award reflect the diverse range of innovation driving this market. Congratulations to Comverge which exemplified the best of smart grid technologies in the past year," said Carl Ford, CEO & Community Developer, Crossfire Media.

With the DirectLink product suite, Comverge is driving down the cost of implementing two-way demand response programs. By leveraging broadband communications, the thermostat and switches provide utilities with significant flexibility in deploying targeted and cost-effective demand response programs. The always-on nature of the DirectLink devices provides utilities with instant insight to resource availability, which enables the Comverge IntelliSOURCE advanced applications for demand management optimization to give utilities unparalleled levels of reliability, predictability and availability when forecasting and executing demand response control events.

"DirectLink delivers a powerful combination: reduced costs associated with the deployment of sophisticated demand-side management programs, and the ability to deliver rapid, two-way communications between utilities and their customers," said Mike Ratliff, senior vice president and chief technology officer, Comverge. "Our DirectLink product suite reflects our commitment to providing our customers with a variety of communications options for their demand management program. We're pleased that TMC and Crossfire Media have recognized the innovation behind DirectLink by naming it a Smart Grid Product of the Year."

Winners are published on and included in its E-newsletter.

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About Comverge

Comverge delivers a comprehensive suite of intelligent energy management solutions that enable utilities, grid operators, and commercial and industrial organizations to optimize their energy usage in order to reduce costs, meet regulatory requirements, and support sustainability initiatives. With 30 years of experience helping customers implement innovative demand-side management programs, Comverge has deployed more than five and a half million energy management devices, recruited over one million residential customers into mass market demand response programs, and served thousands of commercial & industrial customers. For more information, visit and follow us on Twitter at @Comverge.

About Smart Grid

Smart Grid is the leading website dedicated to the rapidly developing technologies that enable and harness Smart Grids, with particular emphasis on applications, products and software for improving residential, business, institutional and facilities' power consumption.

This Website offers information and analysis for anyone interested in researching, purchasing and applying smart grid technologies. It includes Smart Grid industry news and expert analysis by Carl Ford, Crossfire Media. Visitors will find free resources including Online Communities, blogs, feature articles, videos and more. is sponsored by TMC, an integrated, global media company helping clients in print, in person and online, and Crossfire Media, an integrated marketing company with a core focus on future trends in technology. Please visit

About TMC

TMC is a global, integrated media company that helps clients build communities in print, in person and online. TMC publishes multiple magazines including CUSTOMER, INTERNET TELEPHONY, M2M Evolution and Cloud Computing. TMCnet is read by more than 1.5 million unique visitors each month, and is the leading source of news and articles for the communications and technology industries. TMC is also the producer of ITEXPO, the world's leading B2B communications event, as well as industry events: M2M Evolution; Cloud4SMB Expo; DevCon5; HTML5 Summit; Super Wi-Fi Summit, CVx; AstriCon; StartupCamp, and more. Visit TMC Events for a complete listing and further information.

For more information about TMC, visit

About Crossfire Media

Crossfire Media is an integrated marketing company with a core focus on future trends in technology. We service communities of interest with conferences, tradeshows, webinars and newsletters. Crossfire Media services also include providing insight to technology companies and associations to assist in the development of business and technical strategy as well as the development and implementation of effective communications and marketing strategy.


