Universities and Colleges Unite to Curb Violence and Track Predators; EDUjudicate Launches With Several Institutions Already Signed Up

LOS ANGELES, June 24, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- "EDUjudicate, a campus violence reduction initiative, is officially launched. EDUjudicate is an integrated system allowing law enforcement, college and university administrators to share information vital to safeguarding the students and faculty," said Paul Hanley, President of EDUjudicate, a retired Los Angeles Sheriff's officer.

EDUjudicate was developed collaboratively by professionals within the law enforcement agencies, colleges and universities to address the need to track individuals who may potentially become a threat to others. Dr. Shalamon Duke, Dean at the West LA College, who came up with the idea, talked about how as parents we do the best we can for our kids and for most parents, our kids going off to colleges and universities is the first loosening of the reigns and trusting that our now young adults will be safe. Yet, among those same young adults are the social deviants whose deviant behavior, rooted in mental, emotional, psychological, or simply upbringing issues becomes less under control as their reigns too are loosened; shattering the dreams of their fellow students and breaking the hearts of the parents.

The FBI, Department of Homeland Security, local law enforcement and campus police all rely on timely and accurate data that's available, and if a student transfers from one college to another after disciplinary action, the college receiving the student doesn't know anything about those disciplinary actions; only the grades and academic probation or expulsions. What's left out maybe the most crucial such as an individual disciplined for exposing themselves to assaulting a fellow student. Hanley explained that when the educational institutions don't have a choice but to be paralyzed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which long has been the reason why educational institutions have not shared information other than grades, that paralysis is easily justified; but with EDUjudicate now launched nationwide, fully compliant with FERPA, and even able to provide additional level of protection against terrorism as a tool for Department of Homeland Security, there's no reason for educational institutions to not participate and benefit from EDUjudicate. Dr. Dyrell Foster of Rio Hondo College, who enrolled as part of the initial rollout said, "We have been looking for a solution to track student discipline in the community colleges and we are glad we found EDUjudicate." Dr. Mark Robinson, former Vice Chancellor of City Colleges of San Francisco, one of the largest districts in California said that EDUjudicate is so affordable, that cost shouldn't be a barrier for colleges to participate.

Hanley, who has known Dr. Sam Senev, Chairman of Global Private Funding, Inc. for many years, said that EDUjudicate needed a benefactor who isn't focused on just the bottom line, but rather the public need for such a system. "Though Senev is politically not so correct, often hated for his draconian policies, approaches, and attitude, he is very well respected among investors for being the best litmus test and BS meter," said Hanley. Hanley needed investors to know that the cost of development, rollout, training and building awareness were all worth the benefit of saving lives. Hanley and Duke were able to secure a grant from Global Private Funding, Inc. to remove the cost barrier for enrolling within EDUjudicate. Global Private Funding, Inc. headquartered out of Los Angeles, California immediately approved a grant for Los Angeles Community College District, the largest community college district in the world to enroll immediately at no cost. Senev further expanded the grant for a 60 day period to all colleges and universities within the United States to encourage joining EDUjudicate immediately at a discounted fee. Senev said that it would amount to criminal negligence on the part of colleges and universities to not enroll given EDUjudicate will allow for a dramatic reduction in campus violence at a minimal cost. Hanley said "Our focus is on prevention rather than reaction."

For enrollment and further information, visit www.EDUjudicate.com.

