Scarsdale Veterinarian Encourages Summertime Parasites Prevention

SCARSDALE, N.Y., July 13, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fleas, ticks and worms are common problems affecting pets during the summer months. Proactive prevention is essential to keeping pets healthy and protected against these harmful parasites, advises one local veterinarian. The veterinary care team at Central Animal Hospital is reminding pet owners about the dangers of fleas, ticks, and worms. The veterinary hospital encourages pet owners to use a medicated topical preventative, like Frontline, to protect against fleas and ticks. A chewable tablet, like NexGard, will protect against heartworms, hookworms, and roundworms.

Flea and tick prevention is an important part of summertime pet wellness care. On behalf of the veterinary care team at Central Animal Hospital, veterinarian Dr. Michael Woltz is reminding pet owners to use either a topical flea/tick preventative or a medicated chewable tablet that protects against fleas as well as worms.

"The best way to stop fleas, ticks, and worms is to prevent them in the first place," said Dr. Woltz. "For fleas and ticks, we recommend Frontline, a topical medication, and NexGard, a chewable tablet. For heartworm, hookworms, and roundworms, we recommend Heartgard."

Even with topical medication, however, Dr. Woltz stressed that it is still a good idea to check pets for fleas and ticks, especially if they spend a significant amount of time playing outside.

For cats, pet owners should look behind the ears for fleas and check the belly for ticks. A pet owner may also find what is known as "flea dirt" on the belly. This is dried blood caused by flea defecation. Finding flea dirt is a common sign that a cat has fleas and needs proactive care.

To check a dog for fleas, Dr. Woltz recommends having the dog stand over a white towel. Pet owners should run a fine tooth comb through the dog's fur. If the dog has fleas, they will fall off the fur and appear as dark specks on the towel. Since ticks may stay attached to a dog's skin, however, pet owners should run a finger through their dog's fur to check for any ticks.

Summertime parasite prevention doesn't stop with fleas and ticks, however. The veterinarian says pet owners need to be vigilant in protecting their pets against worms, including heartworms, hookworms, and roundworms.

Heartworms are transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. These worms can live for years inside a pet's body, eventually choking off the flow of blood between the heart and lungs. Without diagnostic tests, heartworms are difficult to detect and treat; prevention is the best way to keep pets healthy.

Dr. Woltz also stressed that hookworms and roundworms are communicable to people. Consequently, proper parasite prevention is essential to protecting both pets and their owners.

Central Animal Hospital offers comprehensive pet wellness services. To learn more about these services, along with parasite prevention, contact the clinic.

