Large shareholder announcement concerning The Capital Group Companies, Inc.

Company announcement no 2014-05

Pursuant to section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act, William Demant Holding A/S hereby makes public that the Company has received the following announcement:

On 11 July 2014, The Capital Group Companies, Inc. (on behalf of accounts whose portfolios are managed by the company and its direct or indirect subsidiaries) reduced its voting rights in William Demant Holding A/S from a total of 5.14% to a total of 4.87%.

Hereafter, The Capital Group Companies’ total voting rights in William Demant Holding A/S represents 2,760,936 shares of DKK 1 each, equivalent to nominally DKK 2,760,936.


Further information:

Niels Jacobsen, President & CEO

Rasmus Sørensen, IR Officer

Phone +45 3917

Pièces jointes

2014-05 Large Shareholder Announcement.pdf