Didn't Know You Inherited Something? You're Not Alone!

Los Angeles, July 15, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What if your long-lost first cousin twice removed died and you were the only heir?  What if you inherited a fortune from someone you never met and never knew about?  Benefinders.com may have had a hand in digging up your family roots.  Benefinders.com specializes in finding lost heirs and other missing people for lawyers.  The company was formed in an effort to help probate attorneys prevent people's estates from being forfeited to the state if heirs cannot be located.  Benefinders.com was founded by Dr. Mary Ritch, a 25-year veteran of the legal field. 

Dr. Ritch is a combination genealogist, skip tracer, asset searcher and private investigator.  She laughingly jokes "bounty hunter is next!"  Unlike many other genealogy research firms, Benefinders.com offers a unique combination of genealogical research skills and skip-tracing techniques to produce extremely accurate results.  Benefinders.com also offers preparation of court documents suitable for filing with the probate court.  Through this, Benefinders.com offers a service that is rarely found in its industry.  Dr. Ritch has extensive experience in legal document preparation, through her 25-year involvement as a legal secretary and paralegal.  She is keenly aware of the standards that attorneys and judges are looking for in court documents.  Few (if any) other genealogy, skip tracing or investigation firms offer this extra service.

Benefinders.com was hired to find the next of kin of a client whose mother had passed away.  Because his only sibling had died before the mother, in order for the client to inherit his mother's full estate, it was necessary to give notice to his estranged father, who had divorced his mother over forty years ago and moved out of state without a trace.  Benefinders.com was able to track down the father, living a completely new life with an entirely new family.  He was given notice of the probate case, and he assigned his interest in his dead son's estate to his surviving son, the client.  Not only did Benefinders.com solve the case, but it brought a father and son together again after over 40 years had elapsed!

Benefinders.com is not only a genealogy company, it also provides skip tracing and asset searching for law firms, collection agencies and bail bonding companies, so that they can find debtors, defendants, witnesses, former or potential clients, and other people essential to their lawsuits.  Asset searching and investigation services simply help attorneys have a more comprehensive view of the people and companies they are searching for. 

About Benefinders.com:  Benefinders.com's mission is to bring cost-effective research services to attorneys in need of finding missing people.  BeneFinders.com can be reached via phone at (661) 272-2832, via email at info@benefinders.com, or through the Benefinders.com website at http://www.benefinders.com.

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