Diet Doc's Medical Weight Loss Programs Announces Safe, Natural and Fast Weight Loss With Specialized Diet Plans and Pure Hormone Treatments

Diet Doc's Personalized Approach to Fast Weight Loss Not Only Helps Patients Reach Their Initial Goals, but Helps Them Sustain Their Weight in the Future

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 26, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diet Doc's specialized diet plans focus on each patient's individual reason for unwanted weight gain and difficulty in losing weight. The company has been successful in helping thousands of patients, from every part of the country, improve their physical and emotional health by slimming their waistline. Whether the cause of weight gain is emotional eating, carbohydrate and sugar cravings, or just not enough time to plan and follow a healthy diet, Diet Doc creates plans that concentrate on each patient's personal circumstance and have helped patients who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more.

An online doctor consultation and health evaluation enables the highly trained physicians at Diet Doc to assess each patient's entire system to uncover hormonal imbalances, improperly functioning or sluggish organs, or cellular toxicity to identify the real reason for weight gain. Patients will receive a written report of the doctor's findings, including recommendations for the safest and best solution to lose weight. Although diet plans will be designed for all patients, many will receive pure prescription hormone treatments to not only speed the rate at which they see fat melting from their body, but to help them over the initial weight loss hurdles by controlling between meal hunger, food cravings and loss of energy.

Although there are scores of homeopathic hCG companies available online claiming fast weight loss results with homeopathic hCG, Diet Doc cautions prospective dieters about the difference between homeopathic hCG and their pure hormone treatments. Homeopathic hCG has been repeatedly diluted, often lacking even a single molecule of the powerful hormone, making it useless and totally ineffective for its promised weight loss.

Unlike homeopathic hCG providers, Diet Doc offers clients the most powerful and potent form of undiluted, 100% pure hormone treatments, manufactured in the U.S. in FDA approved pharmacies. All Diet Doc products are accompanied by a Certificate of Analysis, performed by a third party laboratory, detailing the quality and quantity of all active ingredients. Qualified patients can easily and effortlessly reorder their hormone treatments and diet products over the phone or the internet and, for added convenience, they may choose to have them delivered directly to their home or office for immediate use.

Diet Doc has benefitted from decades of scientific research and has helped people nationwide overcome their battle with unwanted, unhealthy and embarrassing excess fat. Scheduled weekly checkup calls to monitor progress, comfort level and attitude, enable the doctors to jump start the metabolism if weight loss tapers. This personalized service ensures that each patient is gaining the most benefit from their hormone treatments and diet plans.

Diet Doc has built its reputation on safety, honesty and reliability. The company's mission is to make safe and successful weight loss available to everyone who needs it by providing only the purest form of their powerful hormone treatments, diet plans that are professionally designed for any shape and size, and unlimited support and guidance throughout. This level of personal service and support is unparalleled by the competition and has made Diet Doc the nation's leader in safe and fast weight loss. 

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

