Harrisburg Chiropractor Urges Evaluation, Treatment of Car Accident Injuries

HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 31, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A Harrisburg chiropractor is warning area residents of the need to seek evaluation and treatment for whiplash and other types of auto accident injuries. According to Dr. Albert Skocik, DC of Skocik Chiropractic, auto impacts may cause serious soft tissues injuries and nerve dysfunctions, not all of which make themselves evident right away.

Dr. Albert Skocik, DC warns that soft tissues strains and nerve impingements are two major forms of discomfort following an auto accident. He notes that the human body is subject to tremendous forces when a vehicle hits another vehicle or a stationary object, and that these forces can throw the head and neck about violently. "This is the reason for whiplash, a serious form of neck strain that occurs when the skull goes flying forward and then rebounds," explained the chiropractor.

He adds that extreme motion in the neck can tear muscles in the neck, herniate cervical discs, and pinch cervical nerve roots, causing everything from neck immobility and loss of function in the hands to headaches and jaw pain.

The practitioner warns that the same forces that damage the neck can also cause tissue and nerve damage in the thoracic or lumbar spine, shoulders, chest, and other parts of the body. He points out that while seatbelts and shoulder harnesses save lives, they can also contribute to auto accident injuries by holding one part of the body in place while allowing the rest of it to move freely. "Stretching or twisting of the spinal column can allow discs between the vertebrae to herniate, and this herniation puts pressure on the nerves. The nerves can then cause pain and other symptoms throughout the body," he said.

According to Dr. Skocik, early detection of car accident injuries is critical to correct healing and relief of symptoms. He explains that many cases of whiplash do not even show symptoms until up to 48 hours after the damage has occurred, while some types of auto accident injury can actually hide undetected for weeks or months. "By that time, scar tissue has developed and treatment becomes more challenging," he said.

Once the chiropractor has diagnosed the injury, he generally prescribes a combination of spinal adjustment, massage therapy, physical rehabilitation and/or other non-surgical treatments to restore flexibility and promote healing. He urges accident victims to pursue conservative methods such as chiropractic treatment as a possible means of avoiding surgery or other more extreme procedures.

In addition to auto accident injury diagnosis and treatment, Skocik Chiropractic in Harrisburg provides treatments for other forms of injury, preventative wellness care, and chronic pain and disease management for area residents.



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