Aiming for the Stars: Celebrating Rocket Scientist Robert Goddard

ROSWELL, N.M., Sept. 3, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Roswell, New Mexico has more than UFOs to contemplate. On October 17-18, "Aiming for the Stars"—a public event honoring Roswell's most famous "star," rocket pioneer Robert H. Goddard—showcases space history, New Mexico's observatories and science museums, and exhibits from NASA's Johnson Space Center. All events are family-friendly and free.

Join four noted speakers for a Space Science Symposium on Friday, October 17, 1:30-5:30 pm at Pearson Auditorium, New Mexico Military Institute. Dr. Michael Neufeld, Senior Curator at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., will present a lecture on "Robert Goddard and Wernher von Braun." One of the last men to walk on the moon, astronaut Dr. Harrison Schmitt, will talk about Goddard and the Apollo Program. Futurist Dr. Lowell Catlett will bring to life the laws of prediction made famous by the great Sir Arthur C. Clarke, prophet of the space age. Dr. Larry Crumpler, a lead scientist with the Mars Exploration Rover Mission, will discuss a decade of research on Mars.

On Saturday, October 18, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., join representatives from New Mexico's science museums and observatories for a "Space Trail Expo" at the Roswell Convention and Civic Center. Make a comet, pose in a Space Shuttle suit, look through telescopes, learn about the history of manned space flight, and marvel at a 1/15th scale model of the Space Shuttle Orbiter. Exhibitors include NASA; The Very Large Array; New Mexico Museum of Space History; New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science; Las Cruces Museum of Nature and Science; Apache Point Observatory; Roswell Museum and Art Center; Walker Air Force Base Museum; International UFO Museum and Research Center; and the Robert Goddard Planetarium.

This event is made possible by the Historical Foundation for Southeast New Mexico, Roswell Museum and Art Center, Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art, Roswell Chamber of Commerce, Roswell/Chaves County Economic Development Corporation, Chaves County Tourism Council, New Mexico Military Institute, Bank of the Southwest, William Brainerd Family, David Petroleum Corporation, Kay R. McMillan, Pioneer Bank, Roswell Museum and Art Center Foundation, and City of Roswell/City of Roswell Lodgers Tax Fund. For information on any of the "Aiming for the Stars" events, call 575-622-1176 or visit the website

Space Science Symposium Speaker Times – Pearson Auditorium, New Mexico Military Institute

Friday, October 17, 1:30-5:30 pm
Dr. Michael Neufeld: "Robert Goddard and Wernher von Braun," 1:30 pm
Dr. Harrison Schmitt: "The Path from Robert Goddard to Apollo," 2:30 pm
Dr. Lowell Catlett: "Clarke's Law," 3:30 p.m.
Dr. Larry Crumpler: "A Decade of Roving on Mars," 4:30 pm

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Aim for the Stars Release Aim for the Stars Release 2
